13 thoughts on “For you fisherwomen out there…

      • Finally!!! Someone who speaks my language! Love you dear. Braided line vs monofilament? Your thoughts?

        • Sandy, a Marine’s woman should know better: smokey-tail prawns are the best terminal tackle! BTW, I hope your husband doesn’t mix his fishing tackle with his wedding tackle, after a few beers while fishing? That’d sting, but Marines are tough.

        • Depends on the water fresh/salt and or what I’m fishing for. Monofilament is easier for me to tie with though. But, in your case being the barracuda you are, my old duty handcuffs wouldn’t be far from the tackle box.

  1. I fish with whatever falls to hand. Just no homofilament. Tried it once ’cause my Uncle Virgil made me. Left a bad taste in my mouth. He was married to a nannygoat.

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