From Karl over at The Village Hemorrhoid:
I try to pay a little attention to what’s happening across the northern border but I know very little about Pierre Poilievre other than he is on the same political side as conservatives here in America. And I like his take no shit attitude towards the media.
The left wing stooge was trying to frame it as, Why should voters trust a radical, extremist, right wing, fascist nazi like you? Poilievre would have none of it, and broke the guy down in real time. Then he slam dunked at the end. All the while just enjoying his apple.

Smol PP is a globalist ,just the current peckerwood (WEF young global leader bs .look it up) . Our elections aren’t legit , haven’t been for a long time. Crap will get when people really do start going hungry.
I can’t say I’d trust this guy, after all he is a politician. But I do admire his Chad “no fucks given” style interaction with that presstitute.
Mic drop moment, for sure.
The guy is Shitlib kill8ng machine. He personally attacks and demonizes Justin Trudeau so bad – the bitchy little faggot has stormed out of the House Of Commons in a rage. He’s on OyTube slamming Trudeau all the time too.
He makes all the right noises… but will he follow through? Or is he just a little man talking big?
And therein lies the question…. He is doing a very good impression of someone saying exactly what he suspects you want to hear so you will vote for him. It’s fun to watch the stupid in the HoC I guess, but after the laughter has died away there is a cold hard reality to deal with. That is the fact that the Conservatives are no better than the Libs, and just ‘getting the libs out’ to make everything better is not something that actually makes anything better.
Stephen Harper had every opportunity to repeal C68, and didn’t. He said he would, but when the moment came, he found other things to worry about. That decision is still with us today, and now our privately-owned guns will be going to Ukraine since our military is fresh out of anything offensive.
What bothers me is how anyone can take any of this seriously, in the shadow of that CSIS report that shows the CCP has been influencing our federal elections since 1983 (the last year Trudeau Sr was PM). Nothing has been free or fair since. And I am supposed to get all horned up because PP is bagging-and-tagging during Question Period?
My enthusiasm has been curbed.
…and what do you people do when Turdeau passes another gun control bill? Do you take up those arms and shoot the cocksuckers in government that voted for this? No. You bitch, piss and moan, but hand them over when the authorities tell you to, just like all the rest of your Common Wealth brethren in the 90’s did.
Then you wonder why Western Civilization is collapsing before your eyes.
“A mans rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box.”
Frederick Douglas
Canada has just taken away the box by which Canadians could have defended the other two boxes.
How long before Canada takes the other two away?
You might be surprised to hear that compliance rates with the original registry were less than 2%, even though the RCMP tried to make it look more successful by including restricted firearms in that count (which were already registered). By comparison, I recall that more people in CT lined up to register when that state passed such a requirement (although I might be mis-remembering).
Long story short, very very few people ‘handed them over’, in spite of what the media said.
This time around, with ten years of this bullshit to look back on, you will see even lower compliance. The government will have to physically confiscate them, house to house, something in which no line officer has much interest.
I would be very surprised if this new (or latest) program generates much enthusiasm among those who currently own any of the firearms on the list.
For reference, there are four boxes; we begin with the soapbox, which has been largely nullified by hate speech laws in Canada (again, courtesy of Trudeau Jr).
You are correct, however, in that the other boxes have now also been removed from the list of options.
Where things go from here will largely depend on how fast, and how hard, the government pushes people.
Don’t be too optimistic: Christine Blasey Ford is moving to Canada.
Let the games begin.
I would rather PP be the Governor of the 51st State.
The system here has been rigged since 1867. Look how wonderful this shithole is being run………….. into the ground.
I was part of the Western Separatists back in the 1990s, and we were torpedoed when they let in this fuckwad Christy. Normally it isn’t cool to speak ill of the dead, yet I’m happy he died slowly from cancer – he wanted policies that would have freaked out the KKK, thus killing the Party and ruining everyone associated with it.
Problem there, same as here, to many idiots who don’t get it.