21 thoughts on “For us Irish Boys, From The Tactical Hermit.

  1. Honor White Northern History not the South or the Confederacy. They were traitors and losers. The average poor southern white was gullible enough to believe that slavery was worth dying for even though it only benefited the wealthy.
    It was the knowledge and skills of the Northern White Man that built and industrialized this county and gave us a middle class. The South was a cesspool of ignorance and feudalism which didn’t begin to industrialize until after WW2 and only then with help from tax revenues and brain power from the Northern states.
    White Northern engineers, designers and skilled labor deserve a much bigger place in American history as they are responsible for building this country, not tearing it apart. Fuck the Lost Cause! Dying for stupidity is not noble, it’s stupid.

    • I’m not even going to get into it with you, besides saying that you might want to look into that a little more.

      • I will only add a recommendation to read Born Fighting by James Webb. It gave me a different side of that war I have heard nowhere else.

    • That is one of the most historically ignorant comments I think I’ve ever read.
      If the Civil War was about slavery, then why was the Emancipation Proclamation signed in 1863?
      The War was begun by the North to prevent Southern succession, and the free trade between the South and Europe. The North wanted a piece of the action.
      All wars are about money and resources. All of them.

    • Deathray – that’s what someone says when they are unable to argue either fact or logic.

      Greg – Webb’s book is pretty good only suffering from selective use facts. For example, unlike the Germans and Scandinavians who settled the north, the Scots Irish were slow to build schools and other institutions, hence the less educated and more gullible population.

      Don’t Mind Me – Read the Cornerstone Speech – slavery is the foundation of the Confederacy. The 94% non-slave owners were fighting for nothing. If the south had won their lives would still have been shit. Succeeding generations were better off by remaining in the Union.

      • I just chose not to get into a debate with you on the topic that you only appear to know one side of. I’m not going to educate you when there’s many ways you could go about doing it yourself. I have looked into both sides of it myself and could show plenty of logical facts. Finding those facts would be your choice. I only suggested that you may want to do some more research and didn’t insult you in anyway. Now I’m done responding to you on this topic. You are free to have your opinion right or wrong but your initial comment and your following replies do kind of make you out to be a troll. You have a good day and be safe.

        • Thank you for not taking me to the woodshed and embarrassing me with your knowledge of ‘logical facts’.
          You have a blessed day sir.

          • Skeeter. The main character in “The Help”. So telling. And yes, I have confederate currency handed down through the family.

            “Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view”. “Clear, your mind must be, if you are to discover the real villains behind this plot.” Do your due diligence regarding history skeeter.

  2. Why would a confederate soldier put his life at risk so someone else could own a slave? 94% of southern soldiers did not own slaves. Quit drinking the koolade.

  3. Geez, So then the northern soldiers were told that they were fighting to save the union so that they did not know they fighting to end slavery?
    Southern soldiers were actually fighting to end slavery, their own.
    There’s a few questions that you can ask yourself there skeeter, like for instance what kinda could and would arise if Southern representation in the House of Representatives was only half of that of the northern states. You don’t have to tell us your answers.

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