13 thoughts on “For The Slow Ones In Back

  1. My last Big Mac was in 1978. No particular reason for the boycott, it’s just a record I enjoy maintaining.

    • My Psycholoy Perfesser in College used to say, “The only thing nutritious in a Big Mac is the air between the buns!”

      And he has been proven correct, time after time.

      McDonalds sucks and yet people still eat there.

  2. I remember the Big Mac costing more that $0.50 in 1980.

    But the point is valid even if the numbers are WAY off

  3. The other BM index has been rising at an increasing rate since Biden took office.

  4. Is it just me or was the quality of a Big Mac back then better, too?

    I don’t ever remember them tasting like cardboard the way they do today.

    • I quit eating there in the 80’s. I did the milkshake experiment and that was the final straw.

      • I’ve eaten worse.

        If you’ve ever eaten any kind of military field rations, so have you.

  5. My memory matches Math Guy’s pretty closely. I’ve seen data that shows a Big Mac costing fairly consistently about 1/2 an hour of a McD line worker’s pay, which is usually minim wage.

  6. Now do the calculations in terms of pre-1965 US coins (90% silver). Things aren’t getting more expensive, the currency is just getting more worthless.

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