For Nemo and his comment…

Nemo’s comment:” “little, barking 5-pound Creatures from Hell”
Barking rats. Especially chihuahuas.” From the post: It’s True.

19 thoughts on “For Nemo and his comment…

  1. I hate to say I told you so, but …

    Cederq, the following is no reflection on your pal Guido because I don’t know him.

    One of my townhouse neighbors has two of them, used to be three. One died of old age.

    One day as I’m outside sweeping up sand and other stuff in front of my garage door using what I call a street broom, a thirty inch wide by about 6 inch tall bristle head with a six foot handle. The neighbor drives in and parks in front the garage door to her unit. The dogs are with her in her car. She opens the door and one them bolts out the car door, spy’s me and comes charging down towards me while manically barking its fool head off like they often do, mostly because they’re scared from what I’ve read. Anyway, I’m standing there trying to decide whether to punt it back where it came from (I used to be a hell of a football place kicker even with my short stature) or try some other way to deflect it. I decide I can’t really kick the dog with her watching so I raised the broom head off the ground so that it’s about head height on the dog. It stopped about a foot away from the broom and couldn’t figure out how to continue its attack through the broom, either by going over the top, which is what I expected or going around or under it. The dog just stood silently staring at the broom head until its owner came running down, all apologetic, and collected it.

    The moral of that story is that, from my perspective, not only are chihuahua’s akin to barking rats, real rats are smarter by a ton.

    • Nemo, Guido is a “her,” pronouns be damned. Nemo, it is all in the owner and their lack of being the alpha and their lack of discipline in themselves to correct behavior like that. Guido went through obedience school and is not allowed to break that. You should have punted the little bastard, I would have, an alpha leader in the pack would have. Both Phil and Igor have been around Guido and have commented on how behaved she is and around their cats. People are lazy and conditioned to allow their pets their “space” like the youngster and teens today, no discipline. When I am out and about and even around here in old people’s heaven waiting room I have people try to admonish me for correcting Guido and I am very curt and sometimes downright offensive depending how the admonishment is delivered to mind their fucking business and walk away. Now, I pamper the little shit and she gets all the attention she wants, but there are certain behaviors I expect and will not tolerate for her to break.

      • …and you are a GOOD DOG Owner!

        More dogs need to be punted – we keep telling the kid across the street to train his dogs to BEHAVE! Falls on deaf, inexperienced ears.

        • I know Guido is George in Italian. She was named after a brand new fancy as hell highway overpass over I-65 called the Guido MacPherson School of Evangelical Parkway in Macon, Georgia. I am aware people make that mistake, I wasn’t taken you to task for it.

  2. Mr. Street Sweeper will fix the problem. Use birdshot, 00 Buck is overkill/Cuisinart. Messy.

  3. Toy Fox Terriers aren’t much better. Step-son had one. It seems like most real small dogs have a bad canine version of “short man syndrome”.

    Yes, you do have to be the alpha in order to have any control over their behavior. Dogs are like small children. They try the limits and will do whatever they are allowed to get away with. You have to be firm AND consistent with them. Otherwise it confuses them and results in unwanted behavior. Love them but don’t encourage poor behavior.

  4. I wonder what the difference in distance is between using a #1 driver in wood or all aluminum?
    The only other question is, will they still bark while airborne?

      • More likely, “splorch, crunch, yipyipyipyipyip” – but your mileage will be different. Don’t forget to follow through the swing for best results. Carry a hanky to keep the driver clean.

  5. this would have resulted in great sport in my town! wouldnt have lasted very long either…

  6. I already told Cederq, dingoes just love Chihuahuas. They go “num, num!” My late SIL insisted on little hairy rats with royal bloodlines, all to fill out a bigger dog’s gut.

  7. That dog looks so sweet.
    Until it tries to rip your face to shreds. And make tacos with it.

    • I been trained.

      ANY dog, big or small, that tries to chew off *any* part of me will find its throat ripped out. I make no excuses and take no prisoners.

      Gotta love Military Ant-Terrorism Training!

  8. My English bull terrier Jody (God rest her soul) always walked off the leash with her nose no more than a foot or so from my left leg. One day, whilst out on our regular walk, an Alsatian cross-breed dog attacked me. As he leaped so did Jody. She took that much bigger dog by the throat and bit. Hard. The attacker died a very bloody death.
    The owner of the cross-breed appeared and, after some cursing and swearing, demanded that my dog be put down and that I should pay compensation to her. Jody sat by my left foot, totally unmoved by what was going on.
    I politely refused, saying that Jody had averted an attack on me and we left, Jody walking in her usual place.
    There will never be another dog like her.

  9. Huahua’s are the shit. I use to big dog guy until my wife brought home one. He hooked up to me and has been the best dude a guy could ever have. Hellofa hunter. Truck guard and just al around cool cat joker.

    • That is kinda what happened to me, my Chi was my wife’s and when we separated she didn’t want her so I took her and I have had now 9 years and a best bud, loves to go camping and traveling and sits besides me when I am shooting my rubber band guns… I was always a big dog guy.

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