5 thoughts on “For all those libertarians…

  1. Huh?
    What does that have to do with libertarianism?

    Not that I have any love for Libertarians, 95% of whom are high-IQ weirdos without a lick of insight into human nature, and the remaining 5% are grifters preying on the other 95%.

    The Z-man says “If you meet a Libertarian, beat him. He will know why.” That’s wrong. The Libertarian will NOT know why. He’ll gas on about theoretical constructs in his pointed head that absolutely do not apply to the actual world containing actual human beings. It’s not an act (for the 95%).

    • I find most libertarians as offensive as most genital rashes I have had the pleasure of rubbing steroids on in my hospital days. Not a pleasant duty. I don’t know most cardiacs having to do that, maybe in their intern and residencies rotations…

      • I’ve never rubbed steroid cream into genital rashes. Not professionally, that is. But Thursday evenings at … Oops. Maybe im over-sharing.

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