10 thoughts on “Flat Earth, revisited.

  1. Is it true, Cederq, that you have, and regularly use, a globe for recreational purposes?

    • Johno, I am not the flat earther that you think I am. It is for someone who does, or at least is wary of the bullshit we as people have been subjected too from others of legends in their own minds tptb… We all are wary and frankly pissed at that “THEM” for the shitshow we are in. In actuality it is us that allowed it to some degree, we weren’t vigilant enough to run them out on a rail in front of an oncoming GE locomotive with a 200 car consist.

      • Cederq, I didn’t, and don’t, presuppose your belief about flat earth theory vs the globe one.
        Thank you and Phil for going to the trouble of searching for and posting many of the alt-view videos contradicting the narrative that people have been indoctrinated into believing for many, many decades.
        Those moon landing ones were excellent.
        It’s too bad that you don’t have any videos of Deathray’s de facto partner/girlfriend, the Sasquatch chick.

  2. I’ve yet to see a single coherent, reasoned video about the flat earth theory that has got me to say I’m a believer in it, but I have an open mind, I’m willing to consider it.
    One thing that gets my attention is their enemies, the ones that deride and ridicule the flat-earthers are the very people that freedom-loving people and individuals have had to battle for centuries past, the very ones trying to genocide us now.
    I often judge people by just who their loudest enemies and critics are, I find it to be a reliable way to reason out things that aren’t readily apparent to me in a complex equation, being the simple person that I am. It has yet to fail me.

  3. I’ve watched a shit load of flat earth vids. The people with the 5000 power digital cameras are very persuasive. I’m still on the fence about the fish eye lens effect for high altitude photos after seeing the standard lens photos of a flat horizons.
    CederQ’s Aug. 1st Conjecture or Truth posting, with all those links,(I chased them all) was very eye opening. I commented in that posting, pointing out ONE example, the NASA videos in the “space station” with the women’s hair, hair sprayed into a ridiculous caricature of “weightless”, then the other woman’s hair flowing like it should (in the weightless, vomit comet, yeah, that’s real).
    How about our resident skeptic, Igor, commenting on that (or didn’t he see that?).
    Plus, you can’t ignore Genesis 1:7. Oh wait, yeah, some can ignore that.
    We have been hammered with propaganda plus real and fake Magik since the beginning of time, It’s built into our DNA. CederQ’s and Johno’s comments above are reason enough to question the GLOWBULL theory/story.
    Don’t just post low energy neg comments, do some real dialogue. Keep searching, we don’t know the whole truth. Yet.
    Wow, went on a tear there, aye?

    • Aye, Tree Mike, you went on a tear there.

      Sorry, as an Engineer I see stuff that most people either skim over or are totally ignorant about. As a person that knows God and acknowledges His Presence, I see His handiwork all around. As a semi-rational person that knows Occam’s Razor, I seek the simplest explanation simply because God doesn’t play dice with His Universe.

      I have an Open Mind, but do my best to keep my brain from falling out. KnowhutImean?

      YMMV. I try to avoid things that just flat look/seem silly and/or ridiculous. IMHO, of course. Life’s too short, and getting shorter lately, if you hadn’t noticed. Ain’t got the time or the inclination.

      OF COURSE we “don’t know the whole truth”, now, do we?

      Keep looking! Good Luck and Godspeed.

      • No argument from me. No matter what we believe, I don’t see it affecting how we run our lives, in the here and now. No matter the “TRUTH”, running around in dirt reality has a few basic rules. “Physics, not just a good idea, it’s the Law.”
        I got hooked on Sci Fi early on (early 60’s). figured out a lot of that is predictive programming, part of the “Disclosure project”. Almost, literally The Matrix. The nature of it, all mileages vary.

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