“That is the path to chaos in America. It’s unprecedented. It’s unlawful,” Biden said, pointing to election deniers.
Btw, Fuck the LA Times too.
“Election Deniers” my achin’ ASS.
Mark my words, every single one of these Commie MSM outlets is going to eating those words at some point and then we are going to be seeing some SERIOUS denials.
Oh we never said that…..
Fucking assholes are as predictable as the tides.
Anyway, FJB and the OTHER bunch of Commies running the joint currently especially.
The decrepit Kid Sniffer actually had the balls to say this shit,
President Biden issued a stark warning Wednesday about threats to American democracy, using a prime-time speech to highlight the stakes in next week’s midterm election.
“As I stand here today, there are candidates running for every level of office in America … who won’t commit to accepting the results of the election they’re in,” he said.
“That is the path to chaos in America. It’s unprecedented. It’s unlawful,” he added.
For those who can’t read between the lines here, this is code for “The Cheat Is On, AGAIN”.
In the speech, which was hosted by the Democratic National Committee, Biden repeated warnings he has issued in recent months. The president has sought to paint Republicans as an extremist party loyal to former President Trump’s “Make America Great Again,” or “MAGA” movement, and has argued that a GOP victory on Nov. 8 would endanger American democracy.
There’s that shit again, “Muh Democracy”.
I am absolutely LOVING the panic oozing from every pore of every DemonRat right now.
They are even resorting to airing fear commercials crying about “Trans” creatures not being allowed to vote under their preferred Pronouns or some shit because their Made Up name doesn’t match the one on their Birth Certificate.
This is how stupid these people are.
Listen up DUMBASS!
It isn’t our fault that your LBQCUNT friends aren’t smart enough to LEGALLY CHANGE THEIR NAMES TO MATCH THEIR MENTAL ILLNESS!
JFC, you people are even more retarded than I imagined.
“We are perfectly fine with a massive Depression as long as we still have Muh Democracy” kinda stupid.
Oh For God’s Sake, now that oozing pustule of a political reject Shrillary is on the TV saying that MAGA people shouldn’t be allowed to hold office.
Just die bitch.
Go get a few Jabs and croak suddenly for me, will ya?
I’m trying to eat here you maggot’s intestinal parasite and yer giving me indigestion already just looking at ya.
So my take away, besides a queasy stomach, is that these DemonRat Communists are basically shitting rings around themselves because even Helen Keller could see what’s coming next week.
18 thoughts on “FJB, We Already HAVE Chaos!”
And all of these unbalanced emotionally retarded backwards shit for brains losers will continue to rant and bitch long after the election is over, because that is what they do. Sooner or later, probably sooner, one or more of them is going to get sent to a dirt nap, and then the real ruckus will begin.
That reminds me, I need to get a new shovel…..
Considering the location of your domicile, maybe you should think on a bigger scale and look into a good used backhoe.
Yes, with a extended boom…
Oh i don’t know…. deep down they’re not so bad!
If they were buried deep down, I’d be fine with that too!
To dig deeper, multiple holes.
The fix is in folks do not be distracted by all the bullshit including the were sorry for the vax bullshit.
It is working it’s distraction magic and all the no way commenters fell right into their trap.
They are sociopaths and do not care, what you think, what you say. They have no morals or remorse so nothing bothers them. Don’t believe me, think deep about what they are doing. Its wrong and that is all there is to it.
future garden beds ? might as well get some use out of them.
maybe a orchard ?
May I suggest you spray paint BFYTW on it?
Now that was some superb, righteous indignation right there! You put into words what so many of us think. Thank you for what you do.
Btw, FJB!
Thank you kindly.
You should have seen me get wound up when I was drinking straight whiskey.
Lord Almighty it was epic.
This was it for the big gaslighting event pre election?
I think the appropriate punishment should be injecting all of them with an “unknown” substance.
I have a couple of old dead batteries laying around…..
To hell with Buck Fiden! He is the devil incarnate and needs to be sent back where he belongs. He is destroying our Republic and ruining peoples’ lives. He needs to be tried and convicted of high crimes and treason and be publicly executed. Piglosi should suffer the same fate for refusing to do her duty as speaker and protecting her country by calling for removal of the incompetent asshole. FJB!
President Poopy Pants gives a speech like that, that everyone with more two brain cells to rub together see right through, then will still blame conservatives when their minions up the violence after they get the shit kicked out of them next week.
The good news is some courts are getting wise to their antics and preemptively denying them the steal by ordering them to disqualify non-complying ballots and allowing drop box monitoring, except if the monitors are armed.
The only fly in the ointment of a big win next week is CONgress and the Senate will STILL be constrained by its “leadership” assuming that the new folks to DC elect McConnell and McCarthy to lead the R caucus’, instead of telling them go pound sand and elect people that are going to implement the agenda they were elected for.
What all of these new folks should due is come in kicking over tables and screaming bloody murder like AOC and her “squab” (intentional misspelling) did when they came to town.
This is what an effing traitor McConnell is: he endorsed Maggie Hassan, a sitting Senator up for re-election in NH, instead her R opponent, Gen. Don Bolduc. He even pulled RNC funding for Bolduc’s political ads, the prick.
The good news from that is Bolduc is now not beholdin to McConnell when he defeats Hassan next week, except of course the Demonrats are going to try to cheat using Dominion.
Almost all serving DC pol’s are Effing scum, especially Hassan.
Assholes, every one of them. The republicans should have had a fire and brimstone speech giver on the telly immediately after ole buckfiden got done. Haven’t heard a peep from any of them yet.
The MainSlimeMedia wouldn’t carry the Repub’s side unless it were a RINO (like Bitch McConnel) speaking.
And all of these unbalanced emotionally retarded backwards shit for brains losers will continue to rant and bitch long after the election is over, because that is what they do. Sooner or later, probably sooner, one or more of them is going to get sent to a dirt nap, and then the real ruckus will begin.
That reminds me, I need to get a new shovel…..
Considering the location of your domicile, maybe you should think on a bigger scale and look into a good used backhoe.
Yes, with a extended boom…
Oh i don’t know…. deep down they’re not so bad!
If they were buried deep down, I’d be fine with that too!
To dig deeper, multiple holes.
The fix is in folks do not be distracted by all the bullshit including the were sorry for the vax bullshit.
It is working it’s distraction magic and all the no way commenters fell right into their trap.
They are sociopaths and do not care, what you think, what you say. They have no morals or remorse so nothing bothers them. Don’t believe me, think deep about what they are doing. Its wrong and that is all there is to it.
future garden beds ? might as well get some use out of them.
maybe a orchard ?
May I suggest you spray paint BFYTW on it?
Now that was some superb, righteous indignation right there! You put into words what so many of us think. Thank you for what you do.
Btw, FJB!
Thank you kindly.
You should have seen me get wound up when I was drinking straight whiskey.
Lord Almighty it was epic.
This was it for the big gaslighting event pre election?
I think the appropriate punishment should be injecting all of them with an “unknown” substance.
I have a couple of old dead batteries laying around…..
To hell with Buck Fiden! He is the devil incarnate and needs to be sent back where he belongs. He is destroying our Republic and ruining peoples’ lives. He needs to be tried and convicted of high crimes and treason and be publicly executed. Piglosi should suffer the same fate for refusing to do her duty as speaker and protecting her country by calling for removal of the incompetent asshole. FJB!
President Poopy Pants gives a speech like that, that everyone with more two brain cells to rub together see right through, then will still blame conservatives when their minions up the violence after they get the shit kicked out of them next week.
The good news is some courts are getting wise to their antics and preemptively denying them the steal by ordering them to disqualify non-complying ballots and allowing drop box monitoring, except if the monitors are armed.
The only fly in the ointment of a big win next week is CONgress and the Senate will STILL be constrained by its “leadership” assuming that the new folks to DC elect McConnell and McCarthy to lead the R caucus’, instead of telling them go pound sand and elect people that are going to implement the agenda they were elected for.
What all of these new folks should due is come in kicking over tables and screaming bloody murder like AOC and her “squab” (intentional misspelling) did when they came to town.
This is what an effing traitor McConnell is: he endorsed Maggie Hassan, a sitting Senator up for re-election in NH, instead her R opponent, Gen. Don Bolduc. He even pulled RNC funding for Bolduc’s political ads, the prick.
The good news from that is Bolduc is now not beholdin to McConnell when he defeats Hassan next week, except of course the Demonrats are going to try to cheat using Dominion.
Almost all serving DC pol’s are Effing scum, especially Hassan.
Assholes, every one of them. The republicans should have had a fire and brimstone speech giver on the telly immediately after ole buckfiden got done. Haven’t heard a peep from any of them yet.
The MainSlimeMedia wouldn’t carry the Repub’s side unless it were a RINO (like Bitch McConnel) speaking.