FJB Calls To Renew “Assault Weapons” Ban, Limit Ammo Capacity, Raise Purchase Age To 21, “No Amendment Is Absolute”.

Here’s what I have to say to that lying piece of shit Commie brain dead motherfucker,

Wish in one hand and shit in the other.

See which one gets full quicker.

Why does any American need a thirty round magazine he asks?

To protect ourselves against wannabe tyrannical cocksuckers like you.

That’s why.

Fuck You, Fuck every gun grabbing maggot like you and fuck every stupid sonofabitch who falls for your bullshit.

There are over 500 million guns in this country right fucking now you dumb bastard.

Even in your moistest fever dreams you would never get a quarter of them if you tried.

Evidently your handlers think we are too stupid to recognize the pattern of wind up toys and false flags coming down like clockwork.

Apparently their memories are as short as their dicks too.

The last time you stupid fucking Democrats pulled this shit you got hammered in the next election.

I suppose since you are well aware that it is going to happen again this time anyway you figure you have nothing to lose.

As far as I’m concerned the quicker the Democratic Party ceases to exist, the better.

Keep fucking that chicken Joe and tell Barack Obama that we know.

Oh yes we know, you cocksucker.

41 thoughts on “FJB Calls To Renew “Assault Weapons” Ban, Limit Ammo Capacity, Raise Purchase Age To 21, “No Amendment Is Absolute”.

  1. The buttfuckers won’t even charge into a school with a snot nosed little punk with a rifle…what the fuck do they think they can do against a well armed, and very large, armed populous?
    Not a damn thing.
    They can eat my ass with a spoon.

    • A teaspoon or a tablespoon? Etiquette is important, separates us from the pigs… pun intended.

      • That’s harsh! The cop/security guard in Buffalo rushed the supermarket shooter and look where it got him.

    • Q, that was the name of my Queensland Heeler, her tail was curled in a perfect cursive ‘Q’.

  2. I hope and pray a lot of leos and cop’s sphincter is closing tighter then Dick’s hatband right about now with having to confiscate these evil rifles and clippy magazines…

    • And I thought me and my brother were the only ones that knew about Dick’s hat band.

      Still no one saying where the thousands of dollars/equipment for the Uvalde shooter came from. Almost like they want us to forget.

      Saw a sorta funny on twatter yesterday. “Tulsa was a black on black crime”. The doctor was black.

      • ps I was in that building 2 weeks ago, yes no guns notice on every door.

  3. the whole idea of gun control is a bad joke to people with some machine tools and the know how to use them. tube guns anyone ? fast and easy to make- ask the brits from ww2 timeline. magazines take a bit more work and thinking to get right.
    AMMO is always going to be your weak link. unless you resupply from the gov’t
    clowns/fools who try to enforce this bullshit.
    up to now, most people have gone along with the bullshit, but for how much longer ?
    I thinking it will really get bad when the food runs out. a whole lot of countries have fallen because there was little to no food for the people.
    the whole “let them eat cake” way of thinking is going to get a lot of the clowns killed off in not so nice ways. like 20 buck ice cream ?
    and I hate to say this, but if fuel keeps going up in price, so will any food that comes into any store. if you can get out of the cities, do so now.
    I don’t think the ‘burbs’ will be safe either to tell you the truth.
    if you not stocked up yet, why not ? this shit not going to get any better any time soon.

  4. Hurts my brain they’ve all been talking about these non-solutions since this happened.

    Jesus these idiots.

    Get rid of the gun free zones. If schools can pay ‘administrators’ 6 figures to bring the friggin donuts, they can change a couple of those out for security people.

    Either that or just put up signs “Free fire child target zone ! No one armed ! Cops won’t bother you either !”

  5. Not a word Biden said had to do with improving school security, which is only as good as a teacher who leaves a rock in a door to prop it open “only for a minute.”

    This is all about a gun grab.

  6. They may have even less support than in the past. Word is that a large number of people who have purchased firearms in the last few years are first time buyers. Their main reason for purchasing firearms is the riots that the democrats supported, and the lack of police response to the riots. Add to that the lack of response from the police to the Texas school shooting, and those people will be thinking even harder about not supporting any gun bans or confiscations.

  7. I would bet they plan on cooking the next election.

    They did it once and got away with it. Who will stop them now?

    • Mister Smith and Mr. Wesson.
      Mr. Ruger to bring up the rear, with cover provided by Mr. Mossberg

    • They have done it more than once before that election and did it again in Georgia runoff right after.

    • No one.
      Seems the well_armed populace isn’t pissed enough yet.

      And for Johno, that means angry, not drunk. Although, sufficient intoxication could be the tipping point. LOL

  8. Again, let’s compromise. Allow production and unlicensed sale of full auto again, and we’ll push back age of sale to 21.

    Otherwise? No. BFYTW.

  9. The question is not why do we need a 30 round magazine, semi-automatic rifle hollow-point ammunition the question is why do you need to ask. They demand we answer their question the answer is because and then we get to ask a question which is why are you asking. Reasonable gun laws by whose standards, shall not infringe pretty clear to anybody that can read and use critical thinking skills. Answer their question with because, then ask them why they feel the need to ask

  10. I’m with Phil; fuck ALL of them right into the ground. It’s all theater to grab the guns. Those evil motherfuckers will kill 10,000 kids if that’s what it takes to pull the heart-strings hard enough to make us give in. I, for one, say “NO” to you cocksuckers. From cold, dead hands; mine or yours Joe. Doesn’t matter. You want to find out, keep fucking around.

    I really shouldn’t post comments until the basic load of coffee is onboard…

    • As a fellow Alabamian, I’m with you (and Phil, of course). I’m so mad I could spit, especially after watching that cocksucker from Rhode Island say “spare me the bullshit about Constitutional rights”.

      • What those bastards are too stupid to understand is that the Constitution doesn’t grant citizens rights, it tells the government what our rights are. These special ed fuckers think they were elected to rule over us. The time is soon coming when they will be facing the ultimate, rapid, final recall.
        And they’ll get no Constitutional rights at that time.

  11. All of the normals are squealing about prez potato brains and the rest of the gritless congresscritters…..but, nada, zip, nope NOTHING FROM ANY OF THE REPUBLICANS
    So here is the deal folks…..there will be a ban on weapons. There will be a ban on magazine capacity. There will be __________ (insert your own thoughts)
    So what are you going to do about it? I know the readers of this blog already have contingencies in place or easily activated.
    But what about the rest of the middle class that agrees with us; but for some reason are always late to the party with their decisions?
    They already see us as loonies and weirdo’s.(yet our tin foil conspiracies have been proven correct time and time again)

  12. “I stand ready to vote on ALL the proposals mentioned by President Biden tonight and encourage the Democratic Leader to bring them forward for votes.”
    – “Trump Endorsed” Lindsey Graham on Biden’s gun ban speech 6/2/22

    • never trusted that SOB myself. and he is always on that blowhard show on fox. can’t stand him either. as soon as I hear his voice I change or mute it.
      also remember lindsey was john shitstain butt boy in every crooked deal that asshole was him. he makes a lot of noise, but doesn’t do shit to change anything for the better- fuck him too !
      and if they think they can take guns away from everyone,,
      well, just try it. who lives forever anyhow ?
      there a few tricks I still remember that I was taught back in the 1/503 abn. a long time ago

      • That “Blowhard Show”. Oh I get it, Sean “The Braggart” Vannity from Fauz Nooz.

        Interesting fact about my Senator Graham, when he was going to make his first run for Senator he asked his mentor Ernest “Fritz” Hollings what he should do. Hollings, a Democrat told Graham he should run as a Republican so he would get elected. Graham did. Got elected and re-elected many times despite being the Democrat’s best friend. When Hollings was Governor of SC he signed the legislation that authorized flying the confederate flag atop the statehouse in Columbia SC. Years later, RINO Governor, Nikki Haley had it removed in an attempt to calm the vibrant diversity in the state and possibly lift the NAACP’s impotent boycott here that did little if anything.

  13. Millions of guns in the US. If guns were the problem they will learn about it soon enough.

  14. FJB: First of all you all know about the woman who killed a prospective mass shooter who had an AR-15. With her pistol. So much for the fearsome and deadly AR-15 when the Opposition has the guts and training to to take on the Shooter. Uvalde PD (The new officers take note). the Guys who screwed the pooch should all be fired and prosecuted. They should also lose all certifications as police Cowards so they cannot infect another department with their cowardice.

  15. Previously, these stunts were dealt with in the next election; unfortunately, I have my doubts about the next election… Have any real changes been made to fix the shenanigans from the last election? There’s been a lot of talk and evidence – but heads have not rolled and we haven’t seen any perp walks yet. I don’t think they are worried about the next election – they’ve proven that their scheme works and they are going to stick with it.

    • Friend Lan, re:” I have my doubts about the next election”

      I don’t, for two reasons.
      1) Monkeypox
      2) Re-masking orders
      These equal…
      3) Mail-in ballots.
      Remember the Ol’ Remus advice: Stay away from crowds.
      Stay safe

  16. Every time I hear a politician or a news anchor use the term “assault weapons” I cringe. They simply show their total ignorance and come off like a flock of parrots. Now FJB is spouting out “weapons of war” and blowing out a lung. Imbecile never was in a war so has no clue. Big mouth politicians pandering for votes are wringing their hands in horror but are not giving up their security details. Asshole Biden not re-arming the Secret Service with slingshots and mace. Just a happy “Fuck You” to the American people. Well,fuck you and yours Joe you lousy bastard. I hope I live long enough to visit your grave and take a well deserved piss on it and your marker. Same for that whore you married and that bastard Obummer who extended your worthless career. I hope to see the day when you and your cronies are all kicked to the curb, imprisoned and starved to death. Fuck You Joe!

  17. No amendment is absolute? The 13th isn’t absolute? Some slavery is still permitted? How about the vote for women? Isn’t that one absolute? Did we fully repeal prohibition? Maybe there’s just a wee bit of federal prohibition?

    • Slavery? prison labor
      Alcohol? In the 80’s the Fed’s forced the drinking age to 21. There are rules about home brewed and distilled. Bringing foreign alcohol into the country is regulated.

  18. We’re really in trouble if the only difference between tyranny and freedom is the difference between 3 – 10 round mags and 1- 30 round mag.

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