Fits Me Like A Glove

Ol’ Tactical Hermit sent this my way and I gotta say that I can identify with it big time.

My Maternal Grandfather was raised during The Great Depression and I saw him “Upcycle” shit the whole time I was growing up.

I’ve done quite a bit of scrounging myself over the years and more than likely I ain’t done yet.

Some folks don’t know what they are missing nor just how damn lucky they are.

17 thoughts on “Fits Me Like A Glove

  1. Ahh,AlleyRatting,, driving around scoping out the Stuff people throw away, looking for materials or usable stuff. It was such a thing for me and a coupla buds I used AlleyRat for the CB handle. Yeah, it Was a long time ago.

  2. Fits you like a glove, much better than O.J.’s glove fit him. 😁. Sarc on the O.J. thing.

    Anyone else here cut open toothpaste tubes and other containers just to get the last drop out? Or am I the only fucking cheap bitch in the room?

  3. yeah, I started looking back when I had a paper route. I was amazed at what people tossed away back then. mid to late 1960’s.
    even found a old Mossberg rifle that someone put in the trash can. no shit.
    still have the rifle too. I should get it reblued or something. it not too bad really
    missing the butt plate too. but it was rusty as hell when I found it.
    got the rust cleaned up and it works after maybe 2 gallons of cleaner/oil on it.
    also used up maybe 2 packs of 0000 steel wool on it as well.
    had some sort of target sight that is half gone, but the rear leaf sight works fine.
    might have to replace the tube magazine spring sometime as it works okay for all but the last 2-3 rounds. shoots shorts, longs and long rifle 22 ammo.
    my buddy ran a scrap yard for years and I have gotten a ton of stuff from there.
    most of the motors in my shop came from there. all of them Baldor too.
    and there was a lot more i would have gotten if I had the room/space to keep/store the items. it is unreal what gets tossed away in this country.

    • That is one thing I despise is that we are such a throw away society.

      I still have a couch from my parents house, built like iron, may be older than me. Yeah it would cost more than the cheap throw away shit of today to reupholster again but ain’t tossing it. My son in law loves sleeping on it so he will get it but not before I reupholster it how they want it

  4. That is my new theme song! I love trashing, junking dumpster diving and used to dump raid till they run our scrawny asses out way back when! My old departed friend Vernon when I lived in Grangeville we use to hit the alleys and the surrounding rural dump stations to scrounge stuff to fix and sell.

  5. Yeah, I miss that. Used to plunder the dump but they cracked down on me. Now it all goes into a “recycling” compactor. Not sure how that’s supposed to work.

    I was positioned to plunder Newton Ma trash day for a couple of years back in the 90’s. You wouldn’t believe the shit you’d find. Once Mia found a complete silver service in the case. She marched right up to the front door. Turned out the maid had been putting stuff out for her husband to scoop up.

    • Oh I believe it. For example, I have a set of midcentury Danish teak dining chairs from out of Newton trash. Two are pristine, two needed the seats re-caned. One morning I found a thousand+ buck ergometer (snooty name for a rowing machine) on the curb. I was on my bike. By the time I got home, then drove the wagon back the erg was gone. (Was it YOU? Ya dirty bastige!)

      Obviously YOU know, but for the non-Massholes, Newton is a western suburb of Boston. It’s full of university people and finance people (you can guess the demographics from that) who are politically liberal and financially rapacious. It also has possibly the most restrictive laws on gun ownership in the state. On the scale of Constitutional carry, shall issue, may issue and Fuck You, Newton is somewhere below FU.

  6. Had a guy that lived down the end of my block was was into dumpster diving full time. That was his only income as far as I could tell. I would give him stuff that no longer worked or worked and I no longer needed. He was always thankful. When it snows, I’m the only one on the block that has a snow blower and seeing as how I have 300 feet of sidewalk on my property, I figured I might as well do everybody’s sidewalk. Problem was that whenever it snowed, Dave would walk down the street and do my sidewalk before he did his. He wouldn’t listen when I told him i was going to get the snowblower out.
    Dave died this past year. I miss him. 20 years younger than me and just keeled over dead.

    • Sorry for your loss H. Salt of the earth, people like that. Take heart, think how much he screwed uncle sam for

  7. Dumpster diving is fun. I do it just about every day as I walk around the local junior college. Students really don’t appreciate the value of anything. I regularly find cartons half-full of un-cracked eggs, cans of soup, boxes of air-tight-sealed junk foods, shirts, kitchen wares and appliances, even cash.

    Makes the morning walkie much more entertaining:-).

  8. Kek! I just came in from dumpster diving. Been doing it since I was a kid. Daddy raised me right.
    Biggest find was an entire 4 CU YD dumpster full of new ammo in the boxes. Took me four trips to haul it all home. Haven’t encountered a dud round yet. Sold what I didn’t have guns for. I’ll never buy ammo again.
    Saw a youtube vid last week of a woman that found a big stash of gold and silver coins in a dumpster. She was having part of the haul evaluated at a coin shop.

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