
After two and a half months of April, we finally get some Summer weather.

It has been cloudy, rainy and cold here all freaking year long, with a day here and a day there of nice weather, just enough so that everyone can run and and kkill themselves cramming a month’s worth of yard work into one day.

It was 79yesterday and sunny.

It’s going to stay warm and clear for the next week, so far.

80’s working into the 90’s over the weekend.

Gotta love it.

Go from the mid 50’s to the 90’s in three days.

Everything that I planted in my tiny garden that sprouted drowned except the onion sets.

All of it.

It even rained so hard that it pounded the little onion right out of the ground and I had to go back and reset them. They seem to be doing fine now.

I went and got some more sprouting kits last night and will try to start over.

It’s way late for that but I am going to try.

It’s all I can do.

While most of the country is already hot and facing drought, we have been shivering and getting wrinkled by the rain. All of the rivers are at the top of their banks.

I’m hoping against hope that it stays nice into October, not really that unusual around here.

I swear the seasons have shifted two months backwards.

15 thoughts on “Finally

  1. Gorebull Wormering, don’cha know!!

    Right now I’m in Logan UT for another couple’a weeks, gets hotter down here than Spokane, THAT’S for sure!!

    Ah well, it’s all weather (that’s what you Leftards refer to when you say, “climate change”…).

  2. I made a comment yesterday on another site that it was the first damn 80-degree day this year, and it was almost 2 months late, so I agree with your climate shift assessment.

    Maybe my tomatoes will start blooming now.

  3. We had a frost on Sunday night, and last night was the first that we didn’t have to cover things up. Now we’re looking at 90’s by next weekend. Slammed into summer with a vengeance. Finally get to try planting beans and squash.

  4. Down here south of Eugene(spit), 2 of our reserviors were actually seeing spillway action, first time in 50 years!

    • Send some to Lake Powell – they just dropped below the minimum to sustain the generators. Las Vegas just lost 36% of its electrical power.

      Not that I care about Lost Wages…

      • Funny thing about living in the desert, it doesn’t rain much there so I hear.

      • They siphon a lot of the available water off the river for man made desert crops and send of it to commiefornia, bwahahahaha for vegas and commifornia.

        If you want you can trade with me. for about 14 days, of which we are in the middle of, no rain and upper nineties and century mark today and friday. Heat index 113 yesterday. Back to 85 Sunday. Yes the humidity is high. Normal summer here in the land of the free.

  5. I read an article back after the Fukushima Tsunami about an American Indian Tribe that was alarmed because they had always charted the night skies by the position of the stars and how the earth had shifted on its axis because of the tsunami . The climatologists discussing this event predicted major climatic change for the whole earth from it . I being a religious guy chalked it up to what Hal Lyndsey termed ” End Time Weather Patterns” .

  6. We’ve had several 100+ degree days down here in Florida, with several more upcoming. Tomorrow is suppose to be 106.

  7. I think Texas shifted the weather two months forward. It has been more like August than June. Next year. try making raised beds in your garden to prevent total destruction from flooding.

    • They drowned INSIDE a raised bed!
      If I had my head out of my ass I would have stapled some plastic sheeting over the top of it but I wasn’t expecting torrential downpours for days on end.

  8. This is the first spring in prolly 10 years that lasted more than two days here in the buckeye state. Lots of high 60’s to low 80’s degree days. (Thanks to the Great Lakes)! Now, with the summer solstice, comes the real heat. Make sure your animals have access to proper fresh water. Especially if they have little cover from the sun.

  9. Last week, several high UV days killed our not quite ripe back berries. Middle Tennessee. Was gonna be a bumper crop. Weaponized weather, not a conspericy theory. Tree Mike

  10. It’s been 20 some days of 100 or more down here, no end in sight. Like Mark said. I do stuff in the morning, sometimes in the evening. Blistering hot at times. Last year we didn’t have this heat until August, but 1998, 2002, 2011 were really hot too.

    I’m gonna dig into what Orians was talking about. I missed that.

  11. Here in central New England, we had a cold spring then a week of hot near the beginning of June, then back to coool for most of June. The forecast is predicting 80’s and 90’s for the week end. Then more “seasonable” temps again.

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