8 thoughts on “Filthie’s Creed.

  1. My dad who grew up cowboy, said that first half quite often. Then he would proceed to tell you about the four gates of a horse, fart, start stumble, and fall.

  2. I have other wise words handed down from our forefathers.

    Never pass a urinal without using it.
    Never ignore a hard-on.
    Never trust a fart…

    I am a stubfart philosopher king on par with Marcus Aurelius and frankly… I’m SHOCKED that my brilliance and clarity of thought is recognized and lauded on even such a ratty site like this!

  3. When we were eating supper, my uncle would break wind and to my aunt’s disgust would say “it takes a damn good horse to fart when the work is done”.

  4. I always try to be upwind of a farting horse, and a farting man may be the one to hire, but do I have to work next to him?

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