I wondered how soon these KKKluckers would rear their ugly heads…
I seriously doubt any Klansman had anything to do with that flyer. The dezinformatsiya is strong in this one.
This reeks of gefilte fish and unleavened bread. Maybe with some nice latkes and sour cream on the side. You want I should make you a little plate? Time for a nosh.
The only jewish I get is bagels and cream cheese…
Regular cream cheese or onion flavored?
Just regular… I didn’t know they had onion flavored.
I like the Pumpkin Spice variety.
You are truly sick.
Their only prophets were “gross” and “net”
you are correct. KKK is an operation intended to blackwash heritage America advocates. It run by feds and jews.
It’s been said there are 1500 members of the Klan and half of them are FBI agents. That might have been accurate at one time, but the FIB had 5,000 agents on the J6 hoax for the last 4 years and that would leave few Fibbers to handle the Klan.
These things turned up in a minority neighborhood in Knoxville, TN, and the local “media” were flustered and couldn’t say “tsk tsk” fast enough. They were reporting it as “intimidation” and “hate speech” but I thought it was just a First Amendment issue… Yes the First Amendment protects even this kind of stuff, or it doesn’t protect anything at all.
GTFO would be more effective
I wondered how soon these KKKluckers would rear their ugly heads…
I seriously doubt any Klansman had anything to do with that flyer. The dezinformatsiya is strong in this one.
This reeks of gefilte fish and unleavened bread. Maybe with some nice latkes and sour cream on the side. You want I should make you a little plate? Time for a nosh.
The only jewish I get is bagels and cream cheese…
Regular cream cheese or onion flavored?
Just regular… I didn’t know they had onion flavored.
I like the Pumpkin Spice variety.
You are truly sick.
Their only prophets were “gross” and “net”
you are correct. KKK is an operation intended to blackwash heritage America advocates. It run by feds and jews.
It’s been said there are 1500 members of the Klan and half of them are FBI agents. That might have been accurate at one time, but the FIB had 5,000 agents on the J6 hoax for the last 4 years and that would leave few Fibbers to handle the Klan.
These things turned up in a minority neighborhood in Knoxville, TN, and the local “media” were flustered and couldn’t say “tsk tsk” fast enough. They were reporting it as “intimidation” and “hate speech” but I thought it was just a First Amendment issue… Yes the First Amendment protects even this kind of stuff, or it doesn’t protect anything at all.