Filed Under Things That Have Zero Chances Of Ever Happening At My House

I swear The Wifely Unit would call me and tell me to come home from work to kill a spider first.

I have been drug out from under cars I am working on, woken up while sleeping, interrupted while using the bathroom and called on my phone while outside to come kill spiders in this house before.

16 thoughts on “Filed Under Things That Have Zero Chances Of Ever Happening At My House

  1. Are our wives related?

    My wife will pick up a snake, but she won’t touch a spider for anything.

  2. that is one thing I don’t have to worry about. she kills more of them than I do !
    she even looked up some mixture online with dish soap and pepperment oil
    that kills the fuckers in seconds .

  3. Spiders are your friend, don’t eat your food, your coffee, your beer and don’t take up too much space. Spiders kill and eat bugs in your house. They leave me alone, I leave them alone. I can never understand the mentality and I used to study and treat phobias and psychosis… You are NEVER more then three feet away from a spider or spider part in your life, get over it!

    • You are right to a degree. About 20 years ago, my wife was bitten by a brown recluse spider in her sleep. Extremely painful experience.

      • I was bitten by an Australian Black Spider, a cousin to the Brown Recluse. I caught the little bitch in my bed and took it to the etymologist at Boise State and they identified it and it was the second confirmed sighting in United States, the other one in Colorado. I was living in Twin Falls at the time. It bit me four times under my covers on my legs and it too was painful as hell and took a long time to heal.

        • we have a lot of Brown Recluse around here.
          got bit about 2 years ago. nasty bite marks shows up
          the next day. and very painful too. ended up going to the ER as it look like my skin was rotting away or something. also a lot of Wolf spiders who kill and feed on the Browns. any time you get wood from the wood pile, you better wear gloves.
          I did find raw honey on a dressing help clear up the bite faster than anything I got from the ER though.
          scar is about 1/5 the size now, about the size of a quarter. nasty fuckers.

    • yup.. there are exceptions, but the long legged ones are an asset, though you do have to thin them out occasionally. 🙂

  4. Spiders outdoors I leave along. It is the indoor buggers of the kind that sting web strands across doors, between objects and then you get to walk through the war zone. Hate that feeling. Good as they may be, walking through webs creeps me out.

    Sadly, fall is here and they work overtime in my office and barn since I am not out there all day long moving about. Have thought of finding some old style feather dusters on long poles to hold out ahead as I walk in places, that way I can twirl them and clean out the strands. May just do that next visit to the big box hardware store.

  5. In Australia, the absolute bastard for pain that lasts for weeks and causes skin and tissue death is the little Black House Spider, often stings women as they are more exposed because of cleaning chores. This means none get bit at my place!
    The deadly female Redback is a rellie of your Black Widow, I think. My mum told me of her first husband being bit when he visited the thunderbox, right on the nutsack as he sat down. She said that his scrotum swelled bigger than a football, and it laid him flat on his back, couldn’t move from pain. This was 1942, she was 8 months gone with my eldest brother, but walked miles to the aerodrome where the nearest doctor was, a USAAC bloke. He drove her back, mainly to see the effects so he could deal with them among Yank flyers here. He was impressed, but could only offer some Aspirin. Mum had another boy a few years later, so it didn’t ruin him. She reckoned it was a shame that the spider went for the family jewels, and not for his old feller!
    The male Sydney Funnel-web spider is more lethal, and used to cause deaths before antivenoms were developed for spider bites. They are aggressive and wander around during their mating season, often causing problems, using workboots to camp in just one. I wonder what threat that the venom evolved for, as it is only the male spider that envenomates, and it’s only deadly to bipeds, apes and man. Other mammals, especially dogs, cop a painful nip from the large fangs.

    • That, or she takes Martial Arts in something or other, because that looked like a palm strike – and the wallboard must be 1/2″ CRAP or somehting.

      My wife doesn’t even bother with a tissue, just wipes it off her hand and rinses it in the sink to get rid of any venom. She’s a sturdy kind of woman!

      We have Black Widows and Brown Recluse here in the PNW. Woodpiles – approach with caution (and gloves)!

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