4 thoughts on “Filed Under Things That Are Good To Know

  1. Remember Kids, the Flammenwerfer is the Poor-Man’s Anti-Armor Weapon.
    NO Armored Vehicle, from MRAP to any Main Battle Tank, can survive having Flammable Liquid (Burning or Not) sprayed on it at close range. The main reason for this is that Diesel or Turbine Engines (like in the M-1 Series) have no “Ignition” System to “Turn it Off”. Both types must be Stopped by Turning Off the Fuel, and if many Gallons of Fuel are being Sucked Down the Air Intake, not only can it not be shut down by the Driver turning off the Fuel Valve (Switch) but the Engine will instantly Run Away, beyond its Overspeed RPM, and self-destruct. The Gas Turbine is even more susceptible to this Effect, as it runs very close to “Redline RPM” all the Time.

    Even if you don’t have the Time or Ability to make a unit with an Ignition System, by using regular Fire Extinguishers, pressurized about 200 PSI, one can put an effective amount of Fuel onto a Vehicle. If a regular 12-Gauge Marine Signal Flare is handy, Ignition can be done Remotely.

  2. Been talking about this for YEARS my Brothers. Hence my mission to spread the Goodness and Plans of the “Word of Der Flammenwerfer” far and wide… I swear I should make a religion out of it… This could be one of our Hymns:
    (Sing this to the tune of “Jesus Loves the Lil Children”)

    “Napalm sticks to little children
    All the children of the world
    Red and yellow, black and white
    Watch the Little Fucks ignite
    Napalm sticks ALL the little children of the world!!!”

    • BCE, you are one Sick Puppy. Good Thing you’ve got that VA PTSD Card, otherwise you’d be in a Padded Room with a Jacket that laces up in the back.

      Your ‘Technical Bulletins’ about Arms in general have been Excellent for spreading Knowledge about Fun Stuff.

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