8 thoughts on “Fat floats baby!

  1. Cederq, in that case, you must be collecting all the lead projectiles from the target butts at the pistol range to melt down for diving weights, stop you bobbing like a cork when you want to dive and spear some fish to fry up.

    • BTW, Cederq, you should be able to get plenty of crabs when you set her as bait (not that you don’t get them, and other communicable problems too, when you go cruising your dive haunts). I bet that you use poor Guido to trick them too, pretending to be an eccentric harmless old man.
      How much are you charging for lobsters, prawns and crabs at your roadside stall? You won’t need to put them out on ice at this time of year.

  2. stake them out or below a pier at low tide. let the crabs do their job. and you won’t
    have “floaters”
    also too is the fact that very few people ever look under a pier too.
    I have heard that chicken wire wrapped around the body help let the fish get to them if you add enough weight to keep them under but off the bottom.
    yeah, I hear things from some cops I used to know back in Philly.
    but they where old guys my dad knew and they had some tales about the old time mob guys.

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