Fani Gets Her Ass Spanked

The bitch is toast.

This guy absolutely hammers her but good.

He outlines 6 different ways she has conflict of interest in her RICO case against Trump and the 17 other defendants.

Her boy toy gets some much deserved attention also.

Video sent to me by my good friend Irish, be sure to visit his site at 5:30 Eastern tonight for the latest fabulous FFFF post.

15 thoughts on “Fani Gets Her Ass Spanked

  1. Unfortunately, the System will not allow for any discipline to be applied here, because then a LOT of people would have to admit they were wrong, and would be sent to prison for their lies, which is most likely never going to happen.

  2. If she had hired or appointed the judge presiding over her case that would be a conflict, no question.

  3. BFD! So what. So her criminality gets exposed. Won’t change a thing. She won’t suffer any consequences and will almost certainly keep her job. The system is broken. Totally irredeemably irretrievably corrupt.

  4. She made no attempt to hide what we normal Americas would call her criminal behavior. She actually flaunted it knowing that she has a get out of jail free card by being a black democrat.
    “News” would be if she was disbarred or indicted. The rest is water cooler chat.

  5. I doubt anything will happen to Willis and Wade as they are Dems due to the Judge not wanting anything coming in from the Fulton County DA to have the defense lawyers immediately take them to appeal for lying under oath. I do think the trial is toast.

    The State Senate is likely going to replace Willis and fix Fulton County DAs Office as it is a mess and the largest in the state by far. The State is working on it now.

    • She got 3-4 cards that protect her – She’s a she, she is black (a minority), she’s a Democrat. and she has the backing of the Shadow GOV. They have sunk a lot of resources into this case, to trumpet a non-issue, and slather DJT in the mire of lawfare. They’re aiming to further slather him in more mud, and proclaim how covered in feces he actually is.

      NOTHING will happen to her. It will be pronounced as BAU (Biz As Usual), and ‘the means necessary to bring the tantrums, lies, and the person that is Donald J. Trump”. Who cares about their profession, standards, procedures, and the laws, when you have to have to get DJT.

      The real questions are – if they can get him, when will they can get us, and, what are we gonna do about it?

  6. I think the two points that came out recently that her boy toy made several trips to DC prior to her filing charges and that there’s an Obama/Bribem “political operative” ensconced in the Atlanta AG’s office who wasn’t there until shortly before changes were filed and who is “alleged” to be directing the get Trump efforts in this case, is as much telling as any of the rest of the “alleged evidence” presented.

    I also wouldn’t count on the judge making the ruling most of us believe is required here because he just might get a midnight visit from someone that offers him a “deal he can’t refuse” indicating that he and his family will cease to consume oxygen if he rules against the regime. As Yogi once said, “it ain’t over ’til it’s over.”

  7. You can shove the truth at the brainwashed ’til you’re blue in the face, it’s like flood control with a dixie cup.

  8. Depressingly refreshing to see now the United States Judicial System is as openly corrupt and partisan as Canada.

    This will continue to get worse until we are all dead, or we do something and they are all dead. The pendulum is swinging hard.

  9. The boon will not be punished. But her attacks on Trump are attacks on the law itself. The problem for the Libs and Donks is that Conservatives are waking up to the game and will play by the same rules sooner or later. When they do it’s game over… the ballot box gives way to the cartridge box, Targetted assassinations start, the judiciary becomes irrelevant as The Law Of The Jungle takes effect.

    A higher court will have no choice but to overturn this idiotic display of nigger justice. Stuff like that may fly in the big blue shithole cities… but it will be Mutiny On The Bounty in the red states.

  10. How TF can anyone exchange 12,000 texts with ONE other person in such a short time period?

    Fani Willis’s Lover Appears To Have Visited Her Apartment Overnight, Exchanged 12,000 Texts With Her, All Before She Claims Romance Began.
    – – New York Sun

  11. I thought getting yer ass spanked was a good thing. I guess it’s all in the context 😉😁

  12. As Col. Johnson said (in Shooter): “Whatever. Who gives a shit. Nice presentation, but none of it sticks to me.”
    Oh maybe she’ll get a Lois Lerner sentence, a few months probation and short suspension of her law license…then a lifetime of million-dollar speeches at Harvard and UC Berkely.
    The Beat Goes On.

  13. It shouldn’t matter whether Fanni and Wade are black, white or brindle, they have been exposed as breaking the law written by their legal colleagues and/or forbears and because they have broken the LAW … they must be suspended from their duties while facing the legal consequences of their illegal actions. A pox on both their houses.

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