18 thoughts on “FAFO

  1. They could throw him in prison and I will still write him in on my ballot.

    More proof that the criminals are the ones in charge of this shit-show.
    FUCK them, and everyone like them.

    Whitehall, NY

    • Check your state laws. Not all states allow write-in candidates. You will vote for whom they say you can.

      • Regardless, I’ll vote for who I want.
        Even if I have to scribble it across the ballot with a Sharpie.
        Not like it matters anymore, anyway.

  2. They’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.

    You come after me, I’m coming after you.

    Mugshot from Georgia arrest? Priceless.

  3. Never seen such disgusting treatment of a human being. Hell, Wernher Von Braun was responsible for the deaths of thousands as the father of the V1 and V2 rocket program but when the war criminals were being charged, he gets a pass because he can contribute something so all is forgiven. Trump was harassed from the get go and for what? Trying to bring the country back from the screw ups by the Clintons and the Obamas? Because he is an outsider and the inner circle feared that he would upset the grifting apple cart and they would have to get by on their “paltry” six figure salaries (which none of them actually earn). Stay alert, stay vigilant because what we all fear is fast approaching and our world is about to be turned upside down.

    • didn’t congress just pass some damn bill that pays their rent/ gas/lights whatever ?
      must be nice to have the “people” pay the tab for these grifting assholes in congress.
      as far as a election happening in 2024 ? I don’t think it will happen.
      the left is not going to leave power without a fight. might as well figure some sort of false flag op to “allow” them to declare martial law
      and lock everything down. and as I see it, they want everyone on electric power so they can “pull the plug” on those who do not do as they are told. and if you add in the coming crash of the dollar, all of the illegals coming in and WE ARE PAYING FOR (??)
      food and fuel prices going up like mad, what is there to worry about ? yeah, I figure it is going to get right sporty by 2024.
      and you wonder why they pushing for more gun control now ?
      ammo up, stock up on canned food and lay in all the medical supplies you can. and water filters too !

  4. “Stay Away From Crowds.”

    Been saying that since 9/11 & the Boston Marathon bombing.

    Old Remus was right, I sure miss that guy.

  5. I have no idea what his game plan is, but it is fairly obvious that he has one. That twatter post (“X) was no doubt planned long ago.
    I have a nephew who is a devotee of “Q”; listens to the x22report(dotcom), and preaches the gospel of “trust the plan”. I just can’t buy the idea that Trump is that kind of genius. I still want an apology for Operation Warp Speed. I know I won’t get it, but there is no one else to fill those shoes.
    While prepping never ends, I am as well situated as I can get, far away from the urban corridors, and a sizeable stash of Ivermectin for the next bioweapon attack. I do not look forward to the ugly times ahead, but there isn’t much that would surprise me anymore, up to and including the ‘pockyclips.

  6. I wonder how many T-shirts with the FAFO image on it they could sell? The RNC is going to fund raise off this so eF them, the uniparty bastards.


  7. I’m SO glad you quoted Ole Remus’ famous “Stay away from crowds” survival advice. I still recall visiting his page each day, and so sad that he’s gone.

    Anyway, yes, this mug-shot heard ’round the world will not age well for the Left. It’s a rallying cry if ever I’ve seen one.

  8. /Sarc/ I’m glad they published his mug shot. I would never have known what he looks like without that. /End Sarc/

    It is being done to humiliate him and put on a show trial for the TWUE believers.

    It won’t end well and they can’t see it.

    • “and they can’t see it.”

      Yep. The people most behind this are group narcissists, obsessed with their own cleverness and their own suffering (actual and claimed). No one else is Real to them. Other people are merely Things to be used for their personal ends. Despite high IQs they somehow have no capacity for reflection and introspection. And as for seeing themselves as others see them? Hah!

  9. It’s just more Kayfabe from the Uniparty. Were Trump not a part of the Game, He would have already Declared a Rebellion – not an “Insurrection”, but a Rebellion – He has the Followers to stand up and say “The federal ‘government’ is Illegitimate and Corrupt, and that Nobody should obey any of its ‘regulations’, starting with taxes”. That would cause just enough people to Refuse and Resist, so Many that the ‘system’ could not Persecute or Punish even a Fraction of them. From there, you would see Increasing Panic and then Violence from the ‘left’, to the point that a real (un)Civil War would start.

    Like it or Not (and I sure Don’t) I do believe that we have just passed the point where the political ‘issues’ in this Nation can be Solved without Violence. And a Lot of it…

    • I think we passed the point of no return a long time ago.
      the last good talk I had with dad was over 20 years ago now.
      we both came to realize that voting is not going to change things here. dad , I think got the idea in the early to mid 1990’s as that was when the last time he “went to vote”. and after 9/11 he used to say
      we are wasting our time voting anymore. dad lived thru both WW2 and Korea. so he knew a few things about how shit blew up.
      and during my time in the army, I blew up a few things myself.
      used to help teach CIC or MOUT as they call it now a days.
      when we watched the videos of 9/11, we both knew they where lying to us. that was when dad started to understand why I wanted to get stuff instead of socking bucks away in the bank.
      and dad was a old time squirrel hunter with a single shot rifle.
      I don’t think he thought one “guy” shot and killed JFK either.
      he used to just look at whoever was talking about it and walk away. and he never trusted the clowns in Gov’t.
      I guess a lot more of him rubbed off on me after all.

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