Facts! Seem more like graff and scamming.

Hell, send back all the illegals and maybe we can afford those Americans that need it.

6 thoughts on “Facts! Seem more like graff and scamming.

  1. Ah, but the illegals have now gifted us with all kinds of Turd World diseases, don’cha know!

  2. I think it is the promise of free shit that keeps them coming here.
    that and all the NGO fuckers paying them as well.
    I still wonder how so many of them are fat as hell with new looking clothes and new cell phones after doing the “walk” to get here.
    but no backpacks or sleeping bags or anything else you might want to have for a
    walk of a couple of thousand miles.
    I think it might work out better for us if we went down and killed all the clowns in the NGO groups that are helping this shit.

  3. and we cant do 1 DAMN THING ABOUT ALL THIS. i have gotten tired of all the bullshit, there is no reason to try anymore…IMO

  4. 10. The election was stolen by millions of illegals voting in california.

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