10 thoughts on “Executive Orders, Read ‘Em And Weep

  1. Pedo joe will allow communist china to put all these restrictions on the American People.

    • JFK put EO10990 in place.

      John F. Kennedy 35th President of the United States: 1961 ‐ 1963 Executive Order 10990—Reestablishing the Federal Safety Council February 02, 1962

      I didn’t look at issue dates for any of the rest cited, but I’d bet that they were all put in place in that time frame.

      Of course the intent was to use them only “in time of emergency”. We recently saw how that works.

      Lest we forget Obama’s “I’ve got a pen and a phone”, although he was not the most prolific. That was reserved for that other Demonrat luminary or was that lunatic, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

      Not to single out Demonrat presidents only, Republican presidents are also just as guilty, including Ronnie Raygun and Bush Jr.

      According to the Constitution, CONgress is the enactor of laws. The President is supposed to execute those laws, not invent them at his whim or have his unelected henchmen in the deep state invent them.

      If CONgress ever had any balls, all of these EO’s should have been challenged and struck down in court and replaced or not by a Congressionally voted law.

      Yet, CONgress has historically stood idly by, allowing this rule by executive fiat all the way back to Adams.

      • Well put. We are under no legal obligation to comply with any “executive order”.

  2. Good fucking luck doing 1/4 of that as long as we remain armed. I’ll die where I stand before I comply with totalitarianism. All I ask is that they send enforcers who have no children as I do not want to leave children without parents. Although, those children would be better off without parents who would enforce tyranny on their fellow citizens.

    We don’t need to worry about most of this shit anyway as the tables are about to be turned and the tools of tyranny are going to be used against the tyrants who created them!.

    I love it when a plan comes together!

    • Let me guess? In two weeks?
      Now, I’m not one to approve of any of this current administration’s crap, but as a normal person going about my business day to day, I have no insight into anything positive happening. In fact, it seems things are just getting worse while we sit on our asses waiting for the above turning of tables.

      Who is doing what? All we see are the alphabet agencies being weaponized against Americans (REAL Americans, who believe in the Constitution), “GLOBAL” regulations illegally being put in place to restrict our Freedoms for the sake of Health and “Climate Change”, and endless foreign entanglements (Illegal as well) for laundering our hard earned dollars; all while reducing our ability to support ourselves through inflation. I can go on about the never ending growth of govt programs, the illegal alien invasion issues, and other border crises which all impact our quality of life.

      So, wheres the beef?

      • Do you have any idea what returning to a gold standard will do to all of this corruption? Eighty one nations met in St. Petersburg, Russia last month to discuss abandoning the USA Dollar and how to return their currencies to being gold backed. Russia backed the Ruble with gold last year. The BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa just announced their new system for international payments will be gold backed. Over 41 other nations have applied to join BRICS. BRICS will completely bypass the corrupt SWIFT payment system that the USA imposes on the world.

        Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Saudia Arabia and more have all publicly announced they will accept currencies other than US Dollars for oil trade. Just 10 years ago the USA would have been at war with anyone attempting to implement gold backed currencies or bypass the petro dollar. Just ask Gaddafi and Hussein.

        Once currencies are backed by gold we’ll no more G. Soros paying antifa and blm and others to commit evil acts. No more bribing school boards, city councils, bureaucrats, politicians, MSM companies etc. No more rigging elections. No more IRS. No more scamdemics. IMO, the new monetary system has to be in place before the rats can be rounded up. Their fiat system is their one superpower for enslaving us.

        A gold backed monetary system affects all hard working people massively to the upside and once implemented, with nary a word, the people, ALL THE PEOPLE, will be united in discovering how these rats fucked us and destroyed our lives. It will be apparent for all to see. They didn’t fuck us overnight and it won’t be fixed overnight but it’s coming and there’s not thing one any of the rats can do to stop it.

        The insanity and chaos we are witnessing are the death throes of the dying fiat monetary system of enslavement and yeah, it’s going to get worse!

        • Thanks for the info. Been watching, but maybe not understanding the entire scope of the changes. Will be a roller-coaster it seems.

  3. As far as I’m concerned, EVERY “executive order” is ILLEGAL. Rule by fiat is not how we function.

  4. “push into law”. No law here, just a claim to power. Law is made by the legislative branch, not the executive.

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