Every Time I Look In A Mirror

I see my Grandfathers.

And I don’t know what the deal is but time just literally flies by anymore.

I can’t believe we are already over half way through July and I feel like I haven’t gotten a damn thing done that I was wanting to do.

Except I did go out and murder my lower back today, going through and sorting out more shit to get rid of and filling up the back of my truck.

If I could just get five or six more loads out of it I might make The Wifely Unit happy.

Lol, who am I trying to kid.

12 thoughts on “Every Time I Look In A Mirror

  1. That’s because we’re all living in “Trump time” now. Every week contains the insanity of an entire year, aging you 50x faster than normal.

  2. My theory is that time passes by more quickly as we get older because it takes us longer to do everything. 🙂

  3. My friend’s mom was in her 80s when she said, “The older you get, the faster the years go by. So the more you need the time, the less you have of it”
    I can’t disagree. As I’ve gotten older, I find she was right…

  4. As you get older, remind yourself that it still beats the living shit out of the alternative of being unable to get older.

  5. The emptier the space, the more clutter the wifely unit will see. It’s an inverse square law of some kind. Or maybe dividing by a cube….

  6. When I was 10, a week seemed like a month and year felt like a decade. Given that a year was a tenth of my life, made it seem longer.

  7. Life is like a roll of toilet paper…the closer to the end you get, the faster it goes!

  8. “When I was a young girl
    I had me a cowboy
    He wasn’t much to look at, he was a free-rambling man.
    But that was a long time
    and no matter how I try
    the years just flow by, like a broken-down dam.” –
    – John Prine “Angel From Montgomery”

  9. Pingback: Tomorrow I will do my best to do some Rule 5 posting | If You are Left you ain't Right

  10. As my mother once put it: “Over the hill and picking up speed!” Gravity isn’t the problem, it’s maneuvering around the obstacles that make for sudden stops.

  11. I stopped looking in the mirror much a while ago. Every time I do I get startled and say to myself “who TF is that guy”? ;-))

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