Every, Single, Time

What’s even more fun is to have a sloped driveway like I do, drop a socket while you are laying under your vehicle with your arm contorted into an unnatural position up between the frame and the engine and then watch the bastard slowly roll all the way out into the street.

H/T to Paul for sending this one along.

8 thoughts on “Every, Single, Time

  1. Thanks Paul… I was going to post this very same meme today. You beat me to it. Should of, could of, yesterday. You are making me look bad in front of the boss and making me look like a doofus…..

  2. Happens on tail-dragger airplanes too. Dropped a 3/16th socket while working on a C-46 awhile back. I was under the instrument panel and that bastard rolled all the way to the tail.

  3. “watch the bastard slowly roll all the way out into the street…”

    and drop through the sewer grate.

  4. It’s even worse when you are working near the firewall and you drop it, only to hear it rattle down a crevice somewhere between the body and the frame…

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