11 thoughts on “Every military puke knows this and has experienced it…

  1. WTF is an S6 ?
    I’m sure we didn’t have one of those when Custer left Fort Riley.

  2. I was in the air force in 1968-72 and never saw any of the above matter. Did my time in Viet Nam too.

    • I was an Army MP, 1975 to 1980. I handled drunk couples arguing at Military Balls and other social functions. I have arrested officers for assault on other officers and enlisted while drunk and disorderly. I have on numerous times escorted drunk CSMs and Colonels and Generals home and did not arrest them, ya don’t fuck with persons that can reassign you to an abandoned DEW line installation on the North Slope to guard. Funny thing, it was Army, Navy, and Air Force, Marines officers and enlisted too. I was an equal opportunity MP asshole…

  3. 3+ years in the Navy, never had a military ball at my one permanent duty station or at any of the school commands I attended. We did have a Christmas party one year. Pink champagne was supplied by the Comms commander. A bunch of us woke the next morning to the most awful hangovers ever. Head hurt just to nod. A couple guys puked into trash cans.

  4. Yup. Just change the names of the ranks/position titles and this represents a Navy Ball (or dining out) to a tee. BTW I was the junior Ensign at my first dining out so I got picked to be Mr. Vice.


  5. BTDT. My date got her green velvet formal at a church rummage sale–at the end when she could stuff a grocery bag for $1. She estimated that it took up 1/3 of the sack, so it was her “$0.30” gown. It was gorgeous.
    And yes, we left as soon as we were permitted to.

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