yup. that is how a LOT of people around here feel about it.
if they want to shut up the assholes in “congress”, well . go thru their books
find out just how a moron like AOC can have a net worth north of 25 million in just a few years there ?
considering how her “co-workers” at the bar where she used to “work” bitched about her stealing tips before congress ?
how about this, the more money we get back, the less time in prison.
less money back, well. welcome to a federal shithole. no “club fed’ for them.
and yes. I also want to see all of the guilty assholes in handcuffs going to prison.
Right On,Right On brother
I was just thinking the same thing. I would love to see Maxine Waters get her wig ripped off her head and stuffed down her big mouth.
Frayd +abuse = Democrats
Rather well stated. I fully concur. I’ve oft thought one or two good old fashioned riding them out of town on a rail, fully tarred and feathered might just get their attention.
Make it a pay-per-view event…. and we could balance the budget in a year.
There are times when profanity is so overwhelmingly concise.
Every one of these CONgress critters needs to be bankrupted, ALL of their net worth confiscated, forfeit their pension, do serious jail time, including spending time as bubba’s bitch and after serving their sentence, they and their families having to resort to live on the streets, begging for housing and sustenance FOR THE REST OF THEIR MISERABLE LIVES.
I think it would be more humane to just introduce them to the hemp jig.
This pardon that Trump has given to Blagojevich is extremely troubling to me and makes me question Trump’s judgement.
If that doesn’t spell corruption, to be punished to the fullest extent of the law, I don’t know what does.
Someone is blowing smoke up Trump’s ass, just like last time.
Reminds me of the DOJ dropping charges against NYC mayor Eric “Sanctuary City” Adams.
It’s a proven fact, all you have to do is say something nice about Trump and you’re good to go.
He’s not wrong but all that is a distraction to the much bigger corruption and illegal take over of the government by Musk and his merry band of tech billionaires.
Musk gave $280 million to elect Trump. It wasn’t from the goodness of his illegal immigrant heart.
Now he and his script kiddies have carte blanche to access and alter the government computer systems and data. He claims to be rooting out waste and fraud but has provided no evidence. Saying something doesn’t make it true. (condoms for Hamas?)
They will never find fraud and waste in the $ billions in contracts Musk receives. Dozens of investigations and lawsuits of Musk’s companies by numerous departments and agencies and have been magically dropped as the heads of agencies have been canned along with a dozen inspectors general.
Pissing and moaning (legitimately) about congress will distract from the biggest con the world has ever seen.
And so it begins. Musk is getting quite a return on his investment. The government plans to spend $400 million to buy Tesla trucks.
I hope gen_x_vince does not mind you sharing his epic rant.
I don’t have tiktok so don’t know where that came from, exactly.
the previous comment about blogovich pardon is on target, unless he was set up by the Eff Bee Eye as Trump suggested yesterday. In things like that we plebes will never be told the complete and true story of what happened.
If there are no criminal charges filed, then Trump is just another place holder and the final collapse of the USA is assured at some future date. It does take time to build a case that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, if you can find one that is not crooked. The clock is running.
Blagojevich did try to sell Obama’s senate seat. The prosecution produced taped evidence at trial of him saying something like,”that’s golden, that’s gotta be worth a lot right?” The prosecutor also presented evidence of other corrupt payments he was paid or had solicited for.
Libertarians figured out along time ago that we are getting the double penetration treatment from the donkeys and elephants and have been since the mid 1800s at least.
Why, yes, yes it is. Wanna make something about it? I would drive up to Alberta and have a fart screaming contest to show you the errors of your ways.
yup. that is how a LOT of people around here feel about it.
if they want to shut up the assholes in “congress”, well . go thru their books
find out just how a moron like AOC can have a net worth north of 25 million in just a few years there ?
considering how her “co-workers” at the bar where she used to “work” bitched about her stealing tips before congress ?
how about this, the more money we get back, the less time in prison.
less money back, well. welcome to a federal shithole. no “club fed’ for them.
and yes. I also want to see all of the guilty assholes in handcuffs going to prison.
Right On,Right On brother
I was just thinking the same thing. I would love to see Maxine Waters get her wig ripped off her head and stuffed down her big mouth.
Frayd +abuse = Democrats
Rather well stated. I fully concur. I’ve oft thought one or two good old fashioned riding them out of town on a rail, fully tarred and feathered might just get their attention.
Make it a pay-per-view event…. and we could balance the budget in a year.
There are times when profanity is so overwhelmingly concise.
Every one of these CONgress critters needs to be bankrupted, ALL of their net worth confiscated, forfeit their pension, do serious jail time, including spending time as bubba’s bitch and after serving their sentence, they and their families having to resort to live on the streets, begging for housing and sustenance FOR THE REST OF THEIR MISERABLE LIVES.
I think it would be more humane to just introduce them to the hemp jig.
This pardon that Trump has given to Blagojevich is extremely troubling to me and makes me question Trump’s judgement.
If that doesn’t spell corruption, to be punished to the fullest extent of the law, I don’t know what does.
Someone is blowing smoke up Trump’s ass, just like last time.
Reminds me of the DOJ dropping charges against NYC mayor Eric “Sanctuary City” Adams.
It’s a proven fact, all you have to do is say something nice about Trump and you’re good to go.
He’s not wrong but all that is a distraction to the much bigger corruption and illegal take over of the government by Musk and his merry band of tech billionaires.
Musk gave $280 million to elect Trump. It wasn’t from the goodness of his illegal immigrant heart.
Now he and his script kiddies have carte blanche to access and alter the government computer systems and data. He claims to be rooting out waste and fraud but has provided no evidence. Saying something doesn’t make it true. (condoms for Hamas?)
They will never find fraud and waste in the $ billions in contracts Musk receives. Dozens of investigations and lawsuits of Musk’s companies by numerous departments and agencies and have been magically dropped as the heads of agencies have been canned along with a dozen inspectors general.
Pissing and moaning (legitimately) about congress will distract from the biggest con the world has ever seen.
And so it begins. Musk is getting quite a return on his investment. The government plans to spend $400 million to buy Tesla trucks.
I hope gen_x_vince does not mind you sharing his epic rant.
I don’t have tiktok so don’t know where that came from, exactly.
the previous comment about blogovich pardon is on target, unless he was set up by the Eff Bee Eye as Trump suggested yesterday. In things like that we plebes will never be told the complete and true story of what happened.
If there are no criminal charges filed, then Trump is just another place holder and the final collapse of the USA is assured at some future date. It does take time to build a case that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, if you can find one that is not crooked. The clock is running.
Blagojevich did try to sell Obama’s senate seat. The prosecution produced taped evidence at trial of him saying something like,”that’s golden, that’s gotta be worth a lot right?” The prosecutor also presented evidence of other corrupt payments he was paid or had solicited for.
Libertarians figured out along time ago that we are getting the double penetration treatment from the donkeys and elephants and have been since the mid 1800s at least.
Why, yes, yes it is. Wanna make something about it? I would drive up to Alberta and have a fart screaming contest to show you the errors of your ways.