10 thoughts on “Epic Trolling

  1. Do these assholes actually believe that we’re going to swallow their boolshit attempt at a coverup about an Iranian plot to kill Trump?


    These people REALLY ARE dumber than a box of rocks.

    Then we wonder why the country is such a mess.

    • People that are desperate to avoid responsibility will do anything to CYA, even if that results in a greater shit show, they suborned their integrity for political favor.

  2. skeeter, put up or shut up. You have made untrue assertions and other outright liberal lies in other comments.

  3. President Donald Trump banned his former friend, the wealthy investor Jeffrey Epstein, from his exclusive Mar-a-Lago Club for hitting on the teenage daughter of another member, a new book says.

  4. Honestly, we need SOOOO much more of this kind of stuff.
    Part of the reason we’re in the mess we’re in, is because the media can make it appear as though things have a semblance of normalcy. Recall the “Generally Peaceful Riots” trope. Federal building and whole city blocks literally burning in the background, but they pretend it’s normal. They tell you it’s normal. We’ve always been at war with EastAsia (Classic Orwell, read the damned books people!)
    So here’s a reporter taping a piece, and he takes “Normal” and rips it out of her hands with the Epstein Tee! That entire segment is now useless to ‘them’. It cannot be used for propaganda.
    And that’s what we need to do to them! DO NOT LET THEM FIND PEACE OUT IN PUBLIC. Remember when that horse faced idiot in Kalifrutopia suggested her followers get in the faces of trump supporters? OUR TURN!
    Have you seen the video’s of the Bartender when she goes out w/her cuck? Look one up – inside the venue she is fawned over, people are lauding her and tripping over themselves to get a selfie, like she’s a celebrity. 100-feet outside the doors, she gets harassed, heckled, boo’d, etc., and she has to duck and run away. The Reality of the world outside the event shatters her echo chamber bubble that she lives in, it’s devastating, you can see it in her reaction and responses to the hecklers.
    This is what we need to do. Make them loathe going out in public. Make it impossible for them to do anything in public. Rotten fruits need to be launched at them! Start throwing bags of dog feces! The first press conference where one of these scumbags gets shouted down and pelted with tomatoes is going to be one for the history books.

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