9 thoughts on “Eons ago…

  1. Yup. There was line up of brown paper lunch bags each with our initial on it in the fridge, sammiches wrapped in wax paper all made by Mom. That was over 60 years ago. Damn I’m getting old.

  2. And when lunch was eaten we’d take that wax paper and rub it on the surface of that steel slide so you could go faster. Or so we thought.

  3. Mine is wrapped in wax paper every work day.
    I’ve never heard anybody say “sammich” in real life. Must be a Yankee thing, or a short-bus thing.

  4. wax paper or paper towels. i can close my eyes even now, 60 yrs later and smell the inside of that batman lunchbox. great times.

  5. Y’all got to bring sack lunches?! My mother BELEIVED in the school lunch program. The only things that were guaranteed to be eatable were the carton of milk and the dessert. Maybe you could eat the entrée about once a week and a big ‘nope’ on any of the vegetables. I made many a PB&J sandwich when I got home.

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