10 thoughts on “Embrace the suck. You are already dead.

  1. Embrace it? No, that would only encourage it. Nuh uh.

    Put my head down and keep slogging through the suck, and sooner or later it will get better. One way or another.

  2. I loved my extreme chemo and radiation. Sort of like fentanyl with room service for weeks at a time. 5 years later, I am somewhat alive with holes to live my Borg lifestyle. Not as good as as once was, but I started smoking again after quitting for 30 years. Living with cancer is fine. I did it for 12 years before they cured me for the last five years. Don’t piss off old sick men. Rather, than die alone, again, I can bring company:) Tom

  3. I’ve had to embrace the suck, wasn’t optional. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Once yer innit, ya gotta go through it.
    May have something to do with my being high drag, low speed now. Oh well…I’m good with it.

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