Electric Scamdemic.

Jeep Wagoneer S

Jeep’s premium electric SUV features over 300 miles range. Available in the US and Canada this fall. Starting price is $71,995.

REV Auto Body and Restoration at 860 NW Highland St, Roseburg, OR is in the process of getting Tesla Certified. They will work on them now.

Tesla Service Mode:Owner Diagnostics— https://www.notateslaapp.com/ news/2046/tesla-service-mode-how-to-access-it-and-what-it-does

Takeuchi TB20e

The TB20e lithium-ion battery provides eight hour runtime and can continue 
running while recharging. (This means running around the clock if needed)

Sysco has added ten Freightliner eCascadia electric semi trucks to its EV fleet, now at 120, with orders for 800 by 2026.

 Ford “EV demonstrator”

Custom built for the June 23 Pike’s Peak Race, the truck generates 
6,000 pounds of downforce at 150 miles per hour.

Vermont has passed a law that makes major fossil fuel companies financially responsible for climate change damages.

Kia has started EV production in Georgia, and Hyundai EV production will start there in October, but neither have been OK’d for the $7500 Rebate.

UDX Airwolf Electric Flying Motorcycle

This 639 pound prototype can carry 2 people with a top speed of 142 Mph.(2 min video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OqO35pPlNo&t=2s

A Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) study found EV’s produce 50% less  pollution than ICE vehicles. EV manufacturing Emissions are equalized after driving 21K miles.

In April, Global EV sales were up 25% year over year, with sales of 1.2 million for the month. (Giving the potential for 20 million in sales for 2024)

World’s Fastest EV

The Owl SP600, Aspark’s Hypercar, has a top speed of 272 mph.(438 KPH)3 min. Video   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy4gkEGFH7c

L.A.’s Electric Fire Truck expects to save $25K this year in fuel costs. Walkaround video (7 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AafguE0KZk

KIA EV9’s are rolling off the production line in Georgia. The 3 row electric SUV has represented over 80% of Kia’s export sales this year.

14 thoughts on “Electric Scamdemic.

  1. And Vermont will do what when fossil fuel companies stop selling electricity and gas/diesel in their state?

  2. Other than fire/fumes and all the whatnot where pray tell are they going to get all the electricity from. Our electrical is old and cities having rolling blackouts. Yeppers sounds like a really good idea.to me. And replacing the batteries OMG. Also I am really, really opposed to buying from a society that is using small children as laborer for a dollar a day. And how many, many Billions and Billions of dollars are you willing to spend to installed grids in way out places. What and How are we going to dispose of all those batteries in landfill. A solar panel in my state is not to go to landfill so I would have to haul them to a state Four states away. Yep, I surly would like a battery dump in my back yard.

  3. My little flashlight was a bit dim so I replaced the batteries & it’s good for another 6 months, used the old batteries in my laptop mouse & they’ll be good for a few months then they get trashed. That’s how batteries work.

  4. Both regenerative braking in general and gas-electric hybrid drive for smaller vehicles have long been proven viable, but I believe there is room to expand the ideas of both. BAR/Yara’s WindWing tech and Ford’s bolt-on electric third axle are intriguing. I’ve long-wondered about yard dogs/commercial vehicles with a replaceable power unit based on what the facility can produce locally (electric, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, e85, whatever).

    All of that is being said to really say that “electric” has a place and there are definitely possibilities, but it’s not the be-all, end-all that folks like Elon or Buttigieg might make it out to be, at least not at our current technology level.

  5. The reality of not everyone will have electric vehicles is intended by the Elites.
    Remember, there will be no more Internal Combustion Engines for the masses, the electrical grid already is unable to support today’s charging demands and consumption – it means every last one of us peons will either have to freeze n the dark or die.
    And the Elites want us to die.

    The time has come for the peons to repurpose the Elites into heating fuel – and do it to them before they do it to us all.

  6. LAFD’s last electric fire truck has a bent frame because it went through a intersection too fast. It is being salvaged.

  7. My opinion of all of this revolves around holding my nose due to the overwhelming odor of heaps of bs. Every one that wants to buy a EV should be required to take and pass a course based on thermodynamics. Anyone who still wants one should be declared an imbecile and institutionalised. The only EV that makes any sense is a lead acid battery based commuter/delivery vehicle. Totally recyclable and a right bitch to burn. Never happen though as they can’t charge 70 k for one.
    Ole Grump

  8. Like everything else that the elites are busily imposing, the issue of electric vehicles will be something each of us will have to decide if we are going to accept (once there is no longer an alternative, for whatever reason… and this of course presumes that there is time remaining for said imposition to be come widespread).
    If you decide to, then so be it. Good luck to you. EVs have many limitations.
    If you decide not to, then you will need to determine an approach to some alternative (and that assumes an alternative is ‘permitted’).
    Either way, this world is being changed without our input, and those changes seem to be not for the better by any standard of which I am aware and consider seemly.
    “This business will get out of hand… it will get out of hand, and we will be lucky to live through it…”- Adm Joshua Painter, The Hunt For Red October

  9. Meh, giddy up idiots. That fire truck will take 50 years to recover cost for the taxpayers left in the state. Oh wait see above comment

  10. So when do they pass a law making the battery makers, the windmill manufacturers, the solar panel manufacturers and all the other so called greenies liable for clean up of the toxic wastes they generate both during manufacture and when the products are no longer viable?

  11. Why are they pimping these EVs when two-thirds of Americans recently said they have no desire for an EV, are unpopular and EV sales are in a slump? Guess auto makers have to play the game as the gov is providing money for this. Once that dries up, back to the ICE.

    As a former longtime Jeep owner, that is one ugly Jeep.

  12. My ICE SUV has 77K on it. I drive it <2k miles/yr. I think I'm good for the rest of my life.

    Then there's the UAW NOT protesting that all of the majors in this country are building their EV plants in Mexico, yet UAW leadership is sueing Trump and Musk, under NLRB law, because Trump said any worker on strike should "be gone".

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