6 thoughts on “Echoing Tactical Hermit, there will be a Civil War and The Crusades upon us and we will prevail!

    • They lost the battle, but not the war until liberals started sending food and medicine to these savages and sub-humans so they started breeding like rats and that is what we are experiencing that largesse.

      • They very much lost the war at the Fall of Acre. But it was a pyrrhic victory for the mooslims, because the forces that managed to get out of Acre went to Malta.

        You know, Malta. That island that the caliphate forces smashed their pointy little heads against for centuries.

        Still. Acre. Dammit, if we hadn’t been stabbed in the back by the Byzantines, we could have kept Acre and Antioch and the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

        • If the Eastern Church had joined the Western Church in curb-stomping the muslims, the aforementioned muslims would have been eliminated as a threat to mankind. Maybe even off the face of this Earth completely.

          But, no, Byzantium had to screw over the Western Church and it’s kingdoms and peoples and so the whole current Middle East issues can be laid directly upon the Orthodox Church.

          Dumbasses. And they still bitch about the West not coming to rescue them during the Fall of Constantinople. Dumbasses.

  1. yeah, after the LA riots, I knew it was coming. just a matter of when.
    and after 2020 BLM summer of riots happen and the cops just stood by, well.
    after I retired, I left philly- the shithole. years ago and moved to the woods.
    after the 5th of NOV. this country will explode in riots if Trump “wins”.
    plan on it. remember 2016 ? there where riots after he got sworn in.
    NOW, we have the problem of the illegals and “their ” cash cards.
    all will be turned off. they going to riot as they thought we wanted them here (??)
    anyway, this country is like a puddle of gasoline and they playing with road flares !
    so, ammo up, get lots of canned food and bottled water. we going to need it.

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