12 thoughts on “Duct tape/zipties to the door handles and mirrors too!

      • Potatoes where I come from, but I’m trying to get into the 21st century here Bigus.
        Tailpipe blocking technology has grown by leaps and bounds!!!

  1. Unless it is your parking lot, reducing the number of spaces by one, why is anyone else upset, victimized, and willing to damage another person’s vehicle?
    Did you never own a new vehicle?
    If you were discovered vandalizing the vehicle, and it turns out the vehicle belongs to the owner of the parking lot, then what?

    • Where do you hang out when you are not a concern troll? Do you have a barracks and a command structure you report to? Are there more concern trolls ready to jump on a blog that is way outside your reality and comfort zone? Do you have reading comprehension skills? I direct you to the blog side bar. Do you really think we give a shit to what you have to say, especially when you are a one comment wonder and have never been to this blog before, well, at least with the name, email, IPN number you provided. It was a joke, memes work that way, true, they are steeped in truth, but a joke neither less.

    • “Did you never own a new vehicle?”.

      So you’re one of those people like this guy, new car not wanting a scratch so park shitty. Hell it probably is your car. Wuss.

      And it’s ever not never own a new vehicle and I hate grammar natzies.

  2. My buddy Jim and his son James have a tow yard.
    They liened one of those Nissan 350 midget hot-rods, and were getting it ready to sell.
    I sat in it for the general interest to see what all the fuss was about with the youngsters.
    I fell into it.
    Climbing out took probably three minutes.
    True story…

  3. Worked with a gal who, when she saw a car parked like that, would get her keys out and do a number on the paint job.

  4. The solution is simple and does not involve damage to the car:

    Let the air out of their tires. Doesn’t do any damage and inconveniences the hell out of the dumbass that pulls this stunt. Chances are the moron doesn’t have an air pump with ’em. ALL of my cars have their own along with a jack and a simple tool kit. And a First Aid kit.

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