8 thoughts on “DSA, Who wants to be normal?

  1. As long as they don’t talk back. If I had a dog that started talking I’d have to tell everybody “He lies”.

  2. talking to dogs is, most of the time better for you than talking to people.
    besides I like talking to my dogs. really miss my old buddy Slim.
    all 110 pounds of roadie ridgeback silly as hell puppy.
    a lot of the time, never had to say anything. we just enjoyed sitting and watching the sun set. he was a damn good dog. quiet. great with small kids where his favorites. he watched over them. he used to go over and play/watch my neighbor’s kids. he call me and have me come and bring him back home so he could bring HIS kids in. he was a good dog.

  3. About a month before I was getting married/imprisoned I had to put my dog down due to cancer. My future bride went with me. I bawled like a sniveling baby. Years later as we were parting ways she asked me if I remembered that and wanted to know why I never shed a tear over her. I told her the dog went out of his way to please me and never once did he give me any crap. Then I asked her if she could say the same thing. I still miss that pup after almost 20 years, but have been blessed with another one that is my best friend.

  4. Of course I talk to dogs, anything else would be rude. Occasionally I have to yell at my pup, but that’s because he’s a really smart retard. He’ll grow out of the tard part. My 2 older female dogs never get yelled at, it would hurt their feelings, and they never fuck up anymore.

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