11 thoughts on “Drank out of horse troughs too…

  1. hoses, troughs, creeks – still alive
    peeing on the electric fence was not a smart one though


  2. climbing trees, riding bikes, skinned knees until we went home for family dinner
    ( mandatory ) only to get a bath and get the mercurochrome treatment and back out again until dark. it never hurt anyone i knew of. it made us stronger i think.
    mothers thought that mercurochrome, iodine and peroxide would raise the dead.
    it may work, i,m still around after 64 yrs.

  3. First, I need to commend this lady for her admission of her lack of knowledge, as this is not a normal character trait in her generation.
    Second, as an answer to her question, I believe the term is called progressive knowledge or lateral thinking. Using the results of a previously successful thought process, one simply is able to continue with that or use basic logic.
    Not everyone thinks or evaluates everything the same.
    I can’t dance or sing (at least that is what my coworkers say,) but whatever I can’t fix is truly f*cked, and I can quickly come up with a pretty good ambush.

  4. My favorite is Carlin talking about swimming in the Hudson River during his germ rant.

    I miss that man, thank God for youtoob

  5. I was walking around the neighborhood the other day and a beekeeper stopped me and told me to be careful because they were removing a honeybee hive and I didn’t want to get stung in case I was allergic. He was actually a really cool guy and we talked about saving bees for a while. Most beekeepers love to educate people. I told him I’d been stung multiple times by every kind of flying insect there is and hit by scorpions once or twice and never had a reaction. Been hurt pretty bad a few times especially by those ground dwelling yellow jackets but no allergic reactions. Kids need to get out more for sure.

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