15 thoughts on “Down hill, both ways… I will be here all afternoon.

  1. Took today and tomorrow off to work in the yard, 40s and flannel weather before the Big Freeze actually starts Saturday.

    Everybody getting snow now deserves it.

  2. Mid 30’s here. We should get snow tonight and tomorrow. Got plenty of firewood on the porch and nowhere to go. Looking forward to some down time.

  3. Been snowing all morning here in the Oregon Outback. The weather boys like to use the term “atmospheric river” a lot, and the problem with these warm “pineapple express” systems is that they sluice off the low elevation snowpack and we keep having to start over. If the snowpack gets a good start, it can absorb a lot of rain as long as it refreezes at night into what we’ve come to call “Siskiyou Cement”.

    • Well now, I believe you have skied at Mt. Ashland. I started there in 1962. Shasta was worse. Then we moved to Salem, and HooDoo was as slushbowl.

  4. Took the day off, oh wait. No leaves to rake,no snow to shovel, 70 tomorrow and the next day. Gonna take them off as well

  5. in the deep south here, if a 1/4 inch of snow just forecasted it is enough to shut down EVERYTHING. schools, stores, gov. buildings and the hwy’s. it’s a holiday for everyone.

  6. If leaves bug me, I mow them.
    It was short sleeve weather for a few hours in East Texas. What February has in store, IDK,, my big hairy dog is gone and I didn’t get to see him shed.

  7. Phoenix Metro Area – What is this white stuff falling from the sky you talk about?
    Winter or the lack of is the # 3 reason I moved to the desert southwest.

  8. 81 tomorrow. I’ve got to pull the boat out before the lake freezes again at possum kingdom. Last time it froze out 100 yards. I was afraid the dogs would run out and break through.

  9. Small amounts of snow in the lower elevations here in Utah. The ski resorts are getting hammered, though. As it should be!
    50’s today but 30’s tomorrow. 1-2″ predicted in the lower elevations, beaucoup snow in the mountains. It is *pretty* when the snow comes to the Wasatch mountains!!

  10. I think the maddest I ever got my late Father was the day he was raving about how he used to have to walk three miles to skool and back in the snow and I said, yeah, I’ve heard this before. Uphill both ways in the hottest part of July and POW you can bet your sweet bippy I never said that again!

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