8 thoughts on “Don’t you hate adulting?

  1. And then, to your horror, you realize that YOU are the ranking adult in the room.

    Good luck, Buttercup!

  2. When I was a kid in the 60′ s I couldn’t wait to be an adult. I had my dad and his brothers, my uncles as examples.
    They came through hard childhoods, the depression and world War 2. Hard men. Proud but not haughty. Opinionated but willing to listen. Hard working farmers with an appreciation for work.
    Yet, they treated my generation, all 32 of us, with tenderness and kindness. But they wouldn’t allow any “shenanigans ” from us.
    And the deference they showed their wives, my aunts! Wow, what a bunch of classy women.
    I’m sure there were differences of opinions at times; but we never saw it.
    Is adulting hard…f***ing right it is. Especially when society doesn’t play by the rules.
    That’s why it’s so important to let your thoughts and opinions out into the gestalt of society.
    No more silence from me. Everyone I meet is going to definitely know what I believe.
    And if I can be an example of how society should be; then God give me the strength to espouse those ideals.
    Men, do yourself a favor; LET YOURSELF BE A MAN! Wise and gentle in your ways. But prepared to win the battle. Don’t waver. You have younger eyes watching you. And they need an example.
    May the Lord have mercy on our souls.

  3. Get your shit together and suck it up for cryin’ out loud.

    One of the reasons millenials and Gen Z are the snowflakes that they are, not all but many, is because they don’t get called out enough in those exact words.

  4. Anybody who uses “adult” as a verb is invariably not mentally equipped to be an adult.
    “Adult”, like “gift”, is a noun.

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