Compared to the snot they called paint stripper in the past?
Oh Hell yes I want some of this!

I have to get ready to go to work and don’t have time to try and find out what this stuff is.
Mebbe later.
Compared to the snot they called paint stripper in the past?
Oh Hell yes I want some of this!
I have to get ready to go to work and don’t have time to try and find out what this stuff is.
Mebbe later.
If it leaves the plastic that has been painted alone, I’ll take 5 gallons!
Never seen anything act that fast unless it was time lapse photog.
This is the closest I can find to the color of the stuff in the video.
And yeah, I would love to get some of it too.
It’s definitely time lapse and I did use some stuff that permatex makes it’s a spray-on citrus strip that almost works as good as that and the best part is it doesn’t stink and it doesn’t burn when it gets on you.
Citrisstrip is a gel like substance. Makes it good for vertical surfaces.
Break fluid ?
Brake fluid strips paint like nobody’s business. Try it!
color of it makes sense.
Ignore the fancy stuff…straight ol Methylene Chloride. Shit will eat a thick layer of powdercoat and still burn the shit out of your hands after a month of being dry. I used it to take off firearms coatings and powder coat several layers thick. It will touch air dry cerakote, but not baked stuff. However, it’s hard to find and near impossible to ship.
These folks have the next best thing.
We use that stuff at the boat plant along with 1,1,1-trichloroethane. It melts the gel coat, polyester resin & the flotation foam from any of the tools,spray equipment & pumps. Gotta be careful with it it’s very bad stuff.
Looks the right color as well.
With the paint they got now , latex , it wouldn’t have to be to strong ,I would think,maybe
Be a real shame if someone made a “FJB” stencil, and sprayed that on cars with Biden bumperstickers, wound’n’it?
Just saying.
You sir are EVIL!!! I love the sentiment.
All they really need is a little sticker that says “FUCK”. Plant that right over the other sticker.