10 thoughts on “Don’t Forget The Schlitz Malt Liquor

  1. Had ’em all!
    Worked on the Pioneer Supertuner decks, has a Hurst V-gate shifter in my ’57 Chebbie. The Berkley jet boat I worked on (repaired!) had the “foot” pedal.

    • Called ’em hot foots. My friend had one in his jet boat.

      55 210 chebbie for me in high school not enough class to own a Bel Aire. Never should have sold it dammit.

  2. My 1970 Datsun 510 didn’t rate a T-shifter although it DID have an aftermarket 8 track player that ate about 25% of the 8-tracks put in it…

  3. don’t know where the gas petal is, but I did see the shifter handle in my junk drawer a couple of days ago. by the time I had the cash for a super tuner, it was out for cassette and that was the one I bought. 78 I think ?
    8 tracks where known for eating tapes like mad. 55 chevy bel air
    before that is was a 62 bonnie rag top. and with the BEST back seat ever !
    421 super duty engine and 4 speed dual range hydra matic tans
    it cost me more to fix that than I paid for the damn car. worth it in the end though
    and a 27or 28 gallon fuel tank. a great road car if there ever was one.
    spent a whole weekend cleaning the leather seats in it when I first got it.
    they where so soft, my mom even like them. it cost me close to 150 bucks to replace the top on it. a lot of money back then for me.
    uncle Sam was paying me close to 400 per month back then.

  4. What about the CB radio? That was a must. Especially when cruising on Friday nights after the basketball game.
    Is the pic from a ’65 chevy? I have a ’67 Camaro with a similar gate pic.

  5. Had a friend who ALWAYS met women in pairs. And I was always drafted to keep second fiddle busy, while he was busy.

    Once, I had to keep a pair busy that he cancelled on, while he was busy with a third.

    I had nothing but coin change. Showed up with Schlitz Stout. Wasn’t able to close the deal. They wouldn’t drink that “moose piss.” But for five dollars and a sixer of Heine 🙁

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