21 thoughts on “Don’t ever tell me there weren’t white Christian slaves.

  1. And another unsavoury historical fact: the US slave trade was owned, lock, stock and barrel – by rat faced, palm rubbing, hook nosed happy merchants.

      • for every hook-nosed name you provide, I’ll provide you with a hundred who couldn’t find a trace of an aquiline beak in their family history going back 25 generatons
        Go back to your mullahs.

    • Would that also include the African Chieftains who sold their opponents into slavery?

  2. Don’t forget there were black slave owners, too.

    A side effect (intended effect?) of keeping people ignorant of history is that it’s easy to sell ideas like this: that slavery only existed when white Europeans took black slaves. The ignorant, longing to be The Oppressed, suck it up like candy. The truth is white Christian Europeans were the first population that worked to end slavery. Slavery is part of history as far back as you go and wherever you look. All races, all countries, all cultures. Like when the Egyptians took pretty much all of Israel as slaves. Exodus wasn’t just a fancy 1950s movie with Charlton Heston.

  3. Black people never talk about who actually sold them to the ships. They were the captured people of a war/skirmish between tribes. The excess, usually men, got sold to other tribes and then the English showed up and said “got anything for sale” and then it began. For the sellers it was just unwanted people they could make money off of and didn’t need to feed them any longer.

  4. Look into the history of “Indentured Servitude”. To some it sounded like a good deal. Escape the hellhole you were living in, and for the price of passage to the new world, you worked for seven years to pay it off. Now, for us, ask yourself why is it that so many of these “Indentured” people didn’t survive their seven years.
    A couple of good books on the subject: They Were White and They Were Slaves. And White Trash: The 400 Year Untold History of Class in America. And for a really fun read, try Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto.
    While all cultures in all history have practiced slavery, some of the worst offenders are the Muslim Arabs, and they’re still at it today.

  5. …and don’t overlook the Arab slave traders who raided English, French, Spanish and Portuguese towns and ships off of the Mediterranean and N.W. African coasts taking the occupants into slavery in Northern Africa.

  6. Let’s also remember that the Atlantic slave trade from the late 1400’s to the mid 1800’s was just a blip on the worldwide slavery radar.
    Slavery is still also alive and well throughout the world.

  7. There are only two kinds of slavery that matter. That are real. The one Built the United States, and the other Built the Pyramids. The rest is merely temporary economic exploitation, not true suffering. (Meaning Whites have NEVER been systematically enslaved. You might incorrectly THINK it was slavery, but you’d be wrong.) Remember that. Write it on the back of your hand. If you disagree you are a bigot and a hater. I look forward to the day when Slavery Denial is a felony. Only then will we be on the road toward a fair, honest, and intellectually open society.

    • How very leftist and racist of you.
      Who’s going to enforce that “felony”? You?
      Pack a lunch and plenty of bandaids.

      • Who’s on my side? The Truth is on my side, Bucko! Sixty MILLION Swahili-speaking Black Africans died, were murdered, during The Middle Passage. Their corpses were brought to Amerikkkan “Dixie” and used as fertilizer for the cotton plantations. That’s the facts! And if you say it was “only” 59,999,999 murdered proud Africans that’s Revisionist Hate Crime.

        • Thank you for showing your true racist and commie colors. Must be tough for you to decide if you’re going to vote for Biden or his replacement, a head of lettuce.
          You wouldn’t know truth if it stuck it’s fist up your ass, Bucko.
          I got your hate crime hangin’, leftist cuck.

          • I doubt he was being serious. Have read his comments on other blogs and this is so far off the radar it can’t be anything but a spoof.

  8. Historically slaves were taken from conquered people or in raids. Slaves as well as slave owners could have been from any racial group.
    What makes slavery in the Americas unique is that people were enslaved (1) because they were black, not just unlucky in battle or in the wrong place at the wrong time. And (2) slavery was hereditary. Slave status was inherited from the parents, not unheard of in the history of slavery but not common until slavery came to the Americas.

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