4 thoughts on “Don’t be so sure Filthie…

  1. Looks to me like the ball is in your court now.
    I wouldn’t take it from him.
    Let’s see what you got.

    I’m buying a 50# bag of popcorn I saw for sale at our local grocery store.

    • It’s nearly impossible to bother Filthie with insults – he’s like an enormous hagfish, with a Teflon armor coating, backed by a ceramic ablative layer.

  2. Do go read Daniel Bargers comment on the linked Borepatch article. Same applies here in the USA.

    Recently a U.S. federal judge enjoined the three letter agencies and .gov in general from colluding with big tech to censor speech on social platforms. Not they’d actually comply with that order since they think(know) laws and rulings don’t apply to them.

    What does our vaunted U.S Dee Ohh Jay do?

    They’re APPEALING the injunction.

    I don’t think the injunction matters much anyway. Big Tech already has their censoring orders left over from Covid and other scams perpetrated by fed.gov and their criminal co-conspirator MSM.

    Matt Taibbi laid that out pretty plainly in his Twatter files.

    Then there’s the newly hatched Zuckerfook social platform “Threads” which began censoring from the very minute it was launched.

    Speaking of the Twatter files, one would think that there would be some major cases raised against the three letter agencies over election interference and other free speech infringements perpetrated during the 2020 and 2022 elections and over Covid .gov disinformation. Well, in a just world there would be.

    What do we hear? Crickets.

  3. I figured Filthie would have eaten a dozen boiled eggs chased with cheap beer before he came by to “leave his mark”.

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