I kid you not, for the last year at least, every day was like absolute evil was running amok and bad shit was being flung around like confetti in a wind storm.
Some days, multiple nightmares would be unleashed. It got to the point that bad news was being announced like it was coming out of a fire hose.
Nobody could keep up with the crazy and evil shit the Fuck Joe Biden administration was dishing out.
True to form, they did this country wrong right up to the bitter end.
It is finally over.
Fuck Joe Biden, his absolute cunt of a wife, that drunken whore of a Vice President and an entire cast of twisted and mentally fucked up, degenerate appointees are out and common fucking sense is on the menu again.
Trump, in one fucking day, has already reversed hundreds of FJB’s Executive Orders, freed the political prisoners locked up by the Kangaroo J6 court and spoke directly to the people and to reporters while doing so, more than FJB did in six months.
No mumbling, no yelling at anyone, no threatening and no wandering around lost trying to get off a stage.
Donald Trump hit the ground running and while watching him answer questions and signing new Executive Orders reversing Biden’s Communist agenda, I literally felt a giant load of dread simply vanish.
Every day for the last 4 years was another round of dreading what the Commies running Joe Biden behind the scenes would come up with next.
True to form, they tried fucking us over until the last possible moment.
It will literally take DECADES to UnFuck what they did to this country.
Long after I am gone will people be trying to undo what they fucked up.
But now they are gone.
Thank you God and I absolutely mean that with all of my heart.
I am up here in Aaaaaaadmontin Alberta … and the air smells cleaner even way up here!
Trump’s tariffs have scared the ever-loving shit out of the Establishment up here. You Yanks may have missed it, but Prime Minister Fuckface decided to prorogue the govt and shut it down while they lesiurely took their own sweet time to find a new leader, and announce an election when they were damn good and ready.
But with the horrible Blumpf machine threatening tariffs that will put Canadian peasants in bread lines and ripe for violent revolution? In an already devastated economy? The case is being made in court that Canada can’t wait around for Turdo and his clowns to get their shit together.
Keep the heat on that asshole, Don!!! And congrats on your win! Gawd, I loved watching the Donks glaring about during the ceremonies today!
Watching our gov do its thang, even as the Day of the Trump drew ever nearer, has been a wonderful experience.
Whatever happens to our economy now, it was worth it. Gotta start somewhere.
That being said, while today is a great day, it is only a beginning of the beginning, and there is a loooooong road to travel to fix any of what has been sone over the decades.
Will it be? No telling. You can be assured, though, that this is not over…. where is the other shoe I was promised?
Soon, soon.
My highlight was the boos for Obama and the Clintons. Filthy ass sodomites.
This is a reprieve,…a 4 year hiatus in the left’s campaign to destroy America. The left hasn’t quit, hasn’t given up, hasn’t gone away. They are simply reorganizing, regrouping and rearming so they can renew their assault on freedom. They will be back….in spades….in 2026. They will likely retake control of one branch of Congress, perhaps both. Their innumerable minions in the Deep State will roadblock Trump at every turn. As long as they are allowed to exist freedom and America will continue to be in grave peril from the communist left.
And if they don’t take back one of the houses? If patriots can keep their shit together just maybe this is just the beginning. Vance in 28 for another 8 years. My hopeful opinion.
You’re not alone Phil.
While my health and finance situations may never recover from the last 4 years; emotionally I feel a lot better.
Now to see if our new President can pull off what’s been promised.
Fingers crossed.
Between chunking out concrete in my basement bathroom for a new shower drain, and watching The Don wreck the Biteme Administration House of Crap, I consider it a real good Monday!!!
Who know Monday’s could be so great?!?!?!?!
The EO ‘s are the problem. Congress has completely abdicated their responsibility. They are lazy money grubbing cowards who are corrupt through and through. We have 3 equal parts of government. Ruling by executive order is crazy. They’re not law because they have never been voted into law. So it just goes round and round. We don’t have a king. We shouldn’t accept this even if “our guy” is the one issuing them just because it makes us feel good. Come on people, open your eyes and pay attention.
This is not how our country is supposed to be run. Demand our constitutional form of government or keep the status quo and just sit back while the politicians continue to keep us divided while they are getting wealthier at our expense.
The changes are in the future.
Well, let the lawmakers do their job. Too many of both parties are owned by the deepstate. Until we get housecleaning done, Trump is taking a path that has the best chance of working.
If you’re not committed to the fight, you’re allowing the other guy to win. They set the rules, use the rules against them.
True, but you need to start SOMEWHERE. If Trump waits for Congress, NOTHING will get done! The EO’s serve a purpose, even if only to gauge the opinions of John Q. Public. If an EO rates highly with Mr. and Mrs. Mainstreet and Congress sits on its collective ass, they’ll end up getting primaried. That’s the way it goes. At this point, Trump doing what he’s done is at least a hard, two-foot brake on what Biden wrought!
I agree. I’ve been smiling all day watching the inauguration ceremony and listening to that speech. Trump ripped Bribem a new asshole right to his face as did several of the clergy during the invocation. In 26, I think the candidates need to keep reminding the voting public of the chaos and destruction that Bribem & Co. inflicted on us for four years. I’m hoping there’s some serious investigation into how the 2020 election was stolen and credible information is used to crucify every Demonrat running for office.
I’m also with Dan above. The Demonrats have a plan. They always do. They’ll lie low for Trump’s first year or so while refining their strategy, then unleash hell Jan 2026.
Played correctly, MAGA should never fail to prevail in elections for a generation. The good news is the Republican old guard and RINO’s are retiring and with a good ground game more of the traitors can be primaried. It will require smart, strong willed, principled candidates to prevail. Not that hard after the lessons we’ve been subjected to these last four years.
The proof of how much better MAGA is than whatever the Demonrats have to offer will be lowered prices at the gas station, electric bills and the grocery store. Abundant cheap energy in all its forms will drive a return to an economy that benefits The People instead of trying to kill us.
Who was Slow Joe working for? We’ve had unprecedented spending which is driving inflation. Dementia in Chief also released strategic petroleum reserves to lower prices. What happens when Trump stops that? Russia, I think, we can reach an understanding with. China, I’m not sure. Lawsuits are already being filed against Trump. The Deepstate (RINOs and Dems) aren’t going to give him a year, they didn’t even give him 24 hours. Trump got handed a sh!t sandwich and there’s a lot of ways to cause the walls to fall down and then blame Trump. Pray for Trump and pray for us all.
He sure kicked the hornet nest didnt he? God bless him!
I’m all too pleased to have that criminal cocksucker out of the Shite House, but I really can’t find a reason to get excited right now. As with his first term, Trump has promised much, has swept into power with a plethora of executive orders that are good only as long as he remains in office, and out on a hell of a show for his first day back.
I tried to avoid being around a tv today, but was exposed to some of the proceedings while out working, and all I saw was a sickening bunch of self congratulatory posturing, fox “reporters” practically fellating Trump on the air, and a “rah rah for our team” sugar high that will wear off quickly enough when it becomes apparent that only a fraction of what was promised – if even that – will be made good on.
Sorry guys, but we’ve been through this bullshit before, and I just can’t buy into it anymore. Trump simply cannot fix the biggest problems we face, which are that the country is $36+ trillion in debt with no realistic way to pay it down, somewhere between 20 and almost 50 percent of the population is useless fucking retards (who voted for both pedo joey and the brown whore, who was to have been his SUCKcessor), along with the structural obstacles that have been built over decades to protect the state apparatus from being cut down to size, that are so entrenched that nothing short of a Franco or Pinochet (or worse) will ever get rid of it.
Trump is not the man to take the sort of swift, severe, and blatantly unconstitutional actions needed to truly clean the slate. He’s a half measure at best. Is he a precursor to such a leader? I’ve no way of knowing, but realistically Trump is a band-aid and a little Neosporin on a gaping chest wound blown out by a .50 cal.
If he doesn’t somehow ramrod through the bulk of his key agenda items in the next 18 months, he will be hamstrung once mid-term season starts. If the economy tanks badly (as is likely) before that even, his popularity will evaporate quickly, because the American public at large is a fickle bitch and a bunch of fair weather fans who will start bitching ceaselessly as soon as they feel even a bit of real discomfort. Since we are already straining under 4+ years of destruction and discontent, I expect the honeymoon to be quite short due to a pre-existing lack of patience and elasticity left for most people to tolerate further suffering.
Cynical? You’re damn right I am. I’ve watched everything get worse for 50 (almost 51 years) now, with nothing of any consequence ever actually getting fixed, despite countless promises from an endless parade of photogenic assholes who get on TV and tell us they have the solution. That’s more than enough time for me to have discerned a pattern here: they’re all full of shit, some more than others.
So, no. I don’t really feel a weight lifted off of me. It’s more that I’m now just catching a few deep breaths waiting for the other shoe to drop. And there are a lot of shoes in the air at the moment, any one of which returning to terra firma will be catastrophic. That’s my brutally honest take on it.
Agree with everything, this is not the time to get comfortable, and don’t forget there are still several million people out there who want him dead. For that matter, they would shoot us just as quickly, irrational hate does not care.
Trump has had the opportunity to learn from his first 4 years and he’s learned something, he hit the ground running.
Spending and debt are a big issue.
Cleaning up the voting process. About 70% of people, possibly more support Trump. It would be more except for the lying MSM. Trump needs to clean up voting and go after the MSM. Our gov’t was derelict in not using the 25th amendment on Biden. The press covered. Good case for treason. Go after them hard.
He pardoned 1,500 J6 folks right away.
Now do North Carolina.
I hate that EOs are so easy and powerful, but it’s where we are.
Trump is unfucking what Biden’s Brain Trust fucked.
Hell yes! The price of eggs, bacon and gas are dropping like a rock/ Promises made, promises kept. Just got back from Wally World and saved so much money compared to last week that I threw a few pesos his way by buying the $TRUMP coin. Next week I’ll invest in a $Melania coin. Happy days are here again…….
I like what he is doing. Hope he can continue without all the bullshit impeachment he had to go thru. Only time will tell. And so what if he doesn’t get everything done he has promised? He is actually TRYING to do what he said. And that’s more than any other of those cocksuckers have done. I am hoping that he becomes the template for future presidents to model after. I don’t want to go back to the old way of having to vote for the least repulsive of the candidates. America First Baby, All The Way.
Well said. I am not expecting miracles from DJT, but . The fact the forces of darkness are out of the WH is comforting. Forward is the only gear Trump knows and I hope he keeps the pedal to the metal.
DJT is a step in the right direction. Here’s the rub, Congress is FULL of traitors and a bunch of them were re-elected. So I have little faith that the electorate once they get some relief from inflation and DEI hires will continue to hold the government’s feet to the fire and get rid of The Swamp.
ts a condition spreading about from a trusted researcher.
only a minute long
Good comments.
Make politicians and bureaucrats skeered again.
Love the smell of hot tar decorated w feathers in the morning.
I was more worried about the time between the election and the inauguration. Because there was little to no protests or flaming riots during that time, I am even more suspicious of the left’s motives & plans now. Stay vigilant, watch your six and remember what ‘Ol Remus use to say, avoid crowds. New Orleans was just one incident.
Dear President Trump:
1. Ashlli Babbitt. I want her murderer prosecuted.
2. Anyone else get sick and tired of commercials on TV begging for money to help disabled Veterans? They can’t help Veterans but can spend billions in foreign aid to God knows who?
3. National Reciprocity!
4. Support the Hearing Protection Act.
5. Prosecute every traitor across the country
I’m very happy for my American neighbors!
They the good kind Chute? YKWIM
Here’s hope for YOUR country as well, eh?
I remain very guarded in my optimism. It will take a lot of heavy hitting to dismantle the deep state, if it’s even possible.
Four years ago, I took down my flag mounted on the front of my house and turned off the photocell that kept it lit at night. I have now restored it with a crisp, new flag and have it properly lit after dark.
I stood up while Trump was giving his speech last night, was a wonderful thing. Watching the politicians on the floor, you could tell who was for who. The treasonous bastards always stood up last and only after looking to see how many others stood.
watched his speech again this morning, felt like freedom
“It is finally over.”
I don’t think it will ever be really “over”. There has been too much damage and fuckering of the country for it to ever really recover completely. The bureaucracy runs too deep and is too entrenched. WAY to many federal agencies, each a kingdom onto itself.
Want me to believe things are REALLY gonna change? Start closing the departments and agencies that were created by executive order. Start at the top, FBI, and work your way down. ATF, IRS, Homeland security, Energy, Education all of them. Put their worthless asses out on the street. I wouldn’t even care that it would drive the country into a recession, even a depression, in the long run it would be worth it. At this point it’s worth burning it all down and starting with a clean sheet. Go back to what was written 250 years ago and start again trying to build a country as it was envisioned, not the shitshow it’s turned into.
Amen. To most people, the above would sound extreme. And maybe it is, but it’s what needs to happen, or we will just continue to bleed out and die under the weight of an untenable clusterfuck.
I was sick yesterday. I laid on the couch and watched the whole thing. I’ve never watched an inauguration before. Didn’t care to. While watching, I kept saying thank God! DJT is no messiah, he’s not perfect, but at least he’s not a fucking commie! I was worried before the election that if they cheated, we’d have to start killing commies. I’d much prefer to be with my family than be out shooting commies (recall, commies aren’t people).
Woke up to -3F and drifting snow on the driveway, it is a glorious day nonetheless this January 21st of this Year of Our Lord 2025.
Yes, a weight has lifted but remain vigilant as the demented opposition is not going to quietly go away with their tails under their ass, it will take at least one year for the beneficial effects to unfold. Do pray for this man, he is almost indispensable and our new VP needs a few months of working with him close up to get fully up to speed on where this ship of state is going to be steered.
Hey All, just watched his speech on infrastructure. What amazed me was the question/ answer section after. He answered questions over a broad spectrum without hesitation. You could tell the reporters were anxious to get their question in, unlike Biden with his Q cards. I don’t know how successful he will be but I feel like I’ve been given a reprieve. I’m hopeful prices will come down on things I would stockpile for future use. I was at a point that the odds of me dying of a heart attack was about even of the government killing me. Whatever happens I will enjoy the time given and not waste it. Allan
I hope Trump can get the old man stink out of the White House. I feel so good today. It’s like a new life
Yes. Enjoy it while it lasts.
You really think they aren’t planning our future.
To all those that are MAGA-minded like me – we cannot afford to take our collective feet off of the gas pedal. we HAVE to keep up the talk and the support. Keep wearing the hats. I received a new 45-47 tee shirt today that I will be wearing. Be part of a crowd at a conservative rally if there is one you can get to.
The lefties will not stop, they may be a bit off kilter temporarily but they will come back hard. Consider running to be on your local school board. Do something, anything to get involved.