Scool bus. I hope this scratches your Dodge and Power Wagon Itch Johno, now, get back on the short bus and do not lick the windows.
9 thoughts on “Dodge Power Wagons, Civilian and Military”
I have a 68 w200 , it is a lot of upkeep as far as body, and bed. But it is a reliable tank. Starts easily and always runs great!
Strewth, Cederq, I’d kill for some of those. Did you tell Leigh that you were going to do a post about real work vehicles, ones built to perform and to last? Poor fella, I think maybe a rough kid with a Dodge-badged pull cart must’ve bullied him when he was little, tipped his Phoard cart over and stole his marbles. Thanks for the great post, but I’ll deny saying that. Now all you need to do is email it to those suited poofters at the big Pentastar. Ya know Jesus used to drive a Christler when he was a young buck? True story.
My reserve unit had a 3/4 Ton Dodge could have been from WWII or Korea and an M151 Jeep. I drove the 3/4 halfway from Fort McClellan after firing one time and wondered why it was even more sluggish than usual ’til I found out I’d had the handbrake on. It was the kind that clamped on the driveshaft, I believe. The smell clued me in. Flathead six pulling all that iron and a trailer too.
In “Where Eagles Dare” I believe, Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton hijacked a German truck with “DODGE” plain as day on the tailgate.
Fort McClellan, ehh? I was stationed there for AIT, 95B, Military Police and then went back 18 mos later for 20 months, then shipped out to Berlin Brigade.
3 vehicles. 2 defective trannies and a busted frame. No more Dodge’ems
No M880?
Could not find one. I did get a line on old military web site and will check it out soon. I will try to find you an M880 Greg…
This Greg, we have a long time commentator named Greg. I would ask you when you post here to slightly change your name to avoid confusion, thank you.
As I said over there. Military, another way the gooberment bailed out chrysler in the 80’s.
I have a 68 w200 , it is a lot of upkeep as far as body, and bed. But it is a reliable tank. Starts easily and always runs great!
Strewth, Cederq, I’d kill for some of those. Did you tell Leigh that you were going to do a post about real work vehicles, ones built to perform and to last? Poor fella, I think maybe a rough kid with a Dodge-badged pull cart must’ve bullied him when he was little, tipped his Phoard cart over and stole his marbles. Thanks for the great post, but I’ll deny saying that. Now all you need to do is email it to those suited poofters at the big Pentastar. Ya know Jesus used to drive a Christler when he was a young buck? True story.
My reserve unit had a 3/4 Ton Dodge could have been from WWII or Korea and an M151 Jeep. I drove the 3/4 halfway from Fort McClellan after firing one time and wondered why it was even more sluggish than usual ’til I found out I’d had the handbrake on. It was the kind that clamped on the driveshaft, I believe. The smell clued me in. Flathead six pulling all that iron and a trailer too.
In “Where Eagles Dare” I believe, Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton hijacked a German truck with “DODGE” plain as day on the tailgate.
Fort McClellan, ehh? I was stationed there for AIT, 95B, Military Police and then went back 18 mos later for 20 months, then shipped out to Berlin Brigade.
3 vehicles. 2 defective trannies and a busted frame. No more Dodge’ems
No M880?
Could not find one. I did get a line on old military web site and will check it out soon. I will try to find you an M880 Greg…
This Greg, we have a long time commentator named Greg. I would ask you when you post here to slightly change your name to avoid confusion, thank you.
As I said over there. Military, another way the gooberment bailed out chrysler in the 80’s.