7 thoughts on “Do it!

    • I can only stand for so long, then the knees tell me to sit down before I fall down.

      Yes, I’m ready.

  1. I”M READY! After I sit here and rest up a few minutes, just got back from the shitter, THEN I’LL BE READY!!!…Where’d I leave my smoke pole?

  2. well, I can still move, not as good as I used too. but I always figured I die in place.
    not much for running anymore. and as my dad used to say, too stupid and stubborn to quit. and from history, I am always strapped. with a good semi auto shotgun close by. I found it is much faster than a good pump. yes. I do have 2 of them as well. a 870 and 590. too busted up to hunt, so they both set up for “social work”

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