10 thoughts on “DMM thinks this might be why Big Country is missing. I don’t think Big knows how to play Yahtzee…

    • Damn, that’s scary Matt. A junkie could have some fun loading that pipe and handing it to a friend and say, “here, smoke this”.

  1. anytime I see someone like that I go the other way fast. there where a lot of assholes in philly with that same look too. wonder if he is one of the inbred ?
    there are quite a few of them around too, if you look really hard.

  2. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but “Filthie’s Thunderbox” is gone as well. True, he’s Canadian, but he had a lot of funny shit and he posted a lot of things that embarrassed Justine and his cronies. Plus he had a lot of inside info on the goings on during the Truckers strike.

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