9 thoughts on “Dmm sent me this, epic rant down under! Surprised our favorite Aussie Johno didn’t send it! Saxon are starting to get get really pissed…

  1. …and THIS is why you never give your firearms. Their government no longer fears their citizens.

    What happened to the MP who, after their last election, said something like ‘We’re coming after all you fuckers’. Haven’t heard a word since.

    • Quarantine camps for not taking a COVID shot? Where do I sign up? Oh right, have to emigrate to Australia first.

  2. Hoh man. I consider myself to be a high artist of cussing, but nobody, and I mean nobody, can do it better than a pissed off Aussie, they are just naturals at it. I would love to see a large contingent of pissed off Aussies depose their shit tier government, and God knows it needs to happen if they are ever to get their lives back down there. My best wishes for your success, mates.

  3. you know. there was one thing that MOM said everyone had. the right to say NO.
    somewhere, somehow. that idea got lost ?
    there are 2 ways to get people to do things. one is your reason with them and show them why it needs to be this way.
    2) you force them to do whatever it is you want them to do.
    seems to me, they planning on using method 2 more than one for the last few years.
    and that is why I keep a gun handy at all times. I want to be able to say NO to something I do not want to do.
    and it is past time to teach these fuckers what that means again.
    if you not will to stand up for what is yours, why do you keep breathing ?
    it also the reason why “they ” try to control social media so much.
    if you feel like you are the only one, the chances of you standing up to them is low. but if you find out there are hundreds of people that feel the same way about something. you more willing to stand up and speak up.
    and a lot of these assholes need to feel tar and feathers again. they had a lot of really good ideas in the old days. we should bring a few of them back again.

  4. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” Lord Acton the government has had a glimpse of true power with the ability to shut down dissent by calling it “public safety” and now is like a junky looking for that once in a lifetime of perfect high again. In Australia they might would absolute power because the population has become compliant, but in the US it is a totally different breed of people. Not sure how this will end, or if they will try to do “Kung Flu” part 2 the sequel. It could get spicy 🔥

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