18 thoughts on “Ding dong…

  1. Good freakin’ riddance!

    Of course, you realize that Grabbin’ Gruesome gets to appoint a temporary replacement, and it looks like the frenzy has already reached volcanic proportions!

    He he heeeeeeeeeeeeeee…

  2. don’t worry, they bound to put some other asshole in her place that is just as bad.
    I wonder how long she was wearing depends, maybe the last 6-10 years ?
    with all of her money, she still had to sit in her own piss and shit until someone
    else changed her depends. bet they paid that person some big bucks to deal
    with that mess. I just hope they don’t do a Macshitstain with her dead ass too.
    can’t stand another bullshit waste of time and money like that one was.
    all the while more assholes are lying their ass off on how “wonderful” they where.
    I would rather die off before I got that bad myself.
    and here is something else I think about, why ? I mean, you over 70 and still want to work/steal ? or maybe it just to stay out of prison ?
    or is it the whole idea of power ? just never made sense to me. retire, relax and enjoy what is left of your life.

    • I am warmed by the thought that all that ill-gotten money and all that power wouldn’t buy her a single breath yesterday.

  3. I thought that quote was Mark Twain. But then, many quotes attributed to Twain are things he never said.
    As for the topic, I have never understood the lust for power and control since I don’t share it. But I do understand that it is a very real thing, and retiring feet first is becoming a new normal.

    • yeah, I don’t care to be “in charge” myself. did it when I had too.
      but, I have turned down a few times they wanted me to be in charge
      of shit. one time I had to “run” or manage the X-ray dept floor.
      the clowns in charge where shocked at just how smooth it ran for the 3 days I did it. but trying to get or make lazy people to do their job ? no fucking way. I would spend more time dealing with H.R. bullshit or the fucking union. just another headache I don’t need or want.

      • When I submitted a letter of resignation from duty as “charge tech”, I quoted the famous Clint Eastwood line: “A man has got to know his limitations!”

  4. Hey, doesn’t Patrisse Cullors have a CA residence? She has all the qualifications Newsome would find desireable. Well, maybe not all, since as far a I know, she isn’t trans.

    He’ll be hard-pressed to find a woman who equals Feinstein’s resemblance to Predator, though.

  5. I’ve been of the opinion, since Feinstien’s health became a topic for the last several years, That Nuisance is going to appoint himself to pad his resume for his 2028 run for president.

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