17 thoughts on “Deathray Coffee.

  1. I think if you take it straight you’re in the clear. But those of you changing the color by adding milk or cream, you have some explaining to do.

    • Soon as I saw this post I got out my Laura Valley Coffee Co. and made a big mug full, with creamy Jersey cows milk. The coffee grown, harvested and roasted by whites , the cows owned by white dairy farmers, and (possibly) the cows themselves identifying as white, certainly as contented lady cows, secure in the knowledge that white is right.
      Young white kids should drink full-cream milk, it’s good for them, while young black kids can keep drinking their corn-syrup-sweetened chocolate milk, made from flavoured skim water sourced from Flint, Michigan.

      Cederq, I had more eye surgery today and can barely see. I hope that I’m tapping the right letters, please correct if necessary.

      • Hope you get good results from the surgery Johno; your input here is always appreciated.
        And “creamy Jersey cows milk” is an understatement. When we were kids, dad always kept a Jersey cow, and upwards of 30% cream off the top. I’ve churned a lot of butter back in the day.
        It’s off topic, but I have to pass on a tip everywhere I can: WEAR YOUR EYE PRO!!! with ANY power equipment!!! I always wear goggles and muffs with everything….except with finishing up the lawn mowing a week ago, I was in a hurry and didn’t. Caught a rock in my right eye. When I put my hand up there it was covered in blood. Emergency run to ER (we are fortunate in being five minutes away). ER doc referred me to an eye surgeon to make sure there was not a sliver of rock inside my eye–on a Sunday afternoon. Big relief: no penetrating injury, and the damage was relatively superficial and healed nicely. I will never again run a lawnmower without goggles.

        • Greg, yes, we each only get issued the two of them, good, bad or indifferent.
          One common danger is one we don’t consider, tossing a ring of keys to somebody.
          I know an aircraft engineer who almost lost vision to a sharp-edged key on a heavy ring when it was thrown to him inside a hangar, he lost track of it’s flight as it passed overhead lights shining in his eyes. Lucky for him that quick eye surgery meant just a couple of weeks off work, but imagine losing half your sight from a silly accident.
          What if it is your aiming eye? You’re going to have to transition before the upcoming festivities!

    • I ‘m thinking just the opposite. If you drink(consume) it black, isn’t that like doing away with black?

  2. I’m not a coffee drinker. But the dumbass “AFRU Staff” (whatever they are) is making me want to become one.

  3. I want my coffee so black it comes with a restraining order and a prior drug conviction.

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