16 thoughts on “Dear Ladies…

    • Agreed Igor. And given that the husband lifts weights every other day, it’s no problem for him but would be for me. But let me just say that there are far more satisfying and less strenuous positions than the traditional missionary. TMI? 😊 Y’all brought up the subject so don’t bust me for being frank. 😬

      But can we just talk about the price of eggs!? WTAF! The man eats three large eggs and his ration of bacon everyday for breakfast plus the 20g of protein powder that I stir into his coffee. I may have to raise chickens again to offset the cost.

      • When you throw the price of eggs in with the free amino acid powder, isolate protein, and full whey protein powder, that shit ain’t cheap.
        And, ummmm, for that kind of stamina, it’s more important to train the core than the upper body.

        • The price of eggs (and bacon and gas) will be going way down on Day 1 (Jan 20). He promised.

          • Yep he’s going to build the wall and deport them all, while he locks her up, takes the guns first and due process later, and brings the best of the world here.

            He said the last couple.

      • Can’ argue with the less strenuous positions that are FAR more satisfying, Sandy.

        And prices are only going to go up for a while because the economy is so badly damaged.

        People don’t realize that there is a lag between when a new Administration takes office and any new policies start taking effect. Folks, our Economy is undergoing high winds and the sparks are already igniting the economic structures, to coin an allegory. You know what I mean.

        The Feces has already been thrown at the fan, and now it’s blowback time. Be patient, be prepared, be smart in everything you do. Do not trust the Goobermint for now until The Cleansing occurs because there are a LOT of low life knaves, fools, and crooks still imbedded in the structure and they will fight for their rice bowls to be kept filled to the detriment of everything else.

        Sorry for the rant.

  1. Shat, are we marriage counselors now? Even when I was doing therapy I didn’t touch on sex or marriage, it is a hot potatoe of the worst kind.

    • It shouldn’t be untouchable, CederQ, because sex is a large part of marriage at the beginning until the relationship matures and you are no longer mating like mad minks. Biologically, you slow down after a while and you need to adjust accordingly.

      I have no problem being a “therapist” because I’ve been married for 52 years, have received a lot of GOOD and timely advice, and seen a lot of others’ grief due to bad choices and lifestyles. I’m willing to give 52 years worth of advice (which is what therapists do,,,_) but I won’t force the horse to drink the water once they get to the pool.

      It’s certainly not a hot potato, just a small tactical nuke that you have to handle accordingly AND with forethought. Having the long view helps.

      If only we could get rid of the selfishness that has invaded our sociality, life would be lots better. But what do *I* know?!? I’m just a thumb-fingered choom…

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