This pimple on a flea’s ass is going to find out the hard way that his recalcitrance is going to get him smashed like a bug on a windshield before this is all said and done.
He just pissed Donald Trump off and Trump will go around his ass and the ending will get stuffed down his throat.
That’s Zactly how a puppet clown should be treated. He is responsible for thousands of his own peoples death because he is evil and doesn’t have the balls to tell europeons to FO BFYTW. Thank you God for your Devine intervention.
ps ukraine people were killing civilians in the Donbas prior to 2014 until Putin invaded. You can look it up, also see Minsk I and Minsk II accords which were never followed.
Trump is doing nothing but appeasing Putin and projecting weakness. Both he and Vance are fools shaming the US.
Trump has chosen to side with the Axis of Evil.
President Trump is doing exactly what we hired him to do, terminate the democrat/rino money stealing machine..
Doesn’t the little shit own a fuckin suit?
I’ll be fine with them burying him in his little outfit.
Looks like little green man bad (AKA the penis piano player) just had the keyboard cover slammed shut on his dick mid-performance. Let him go hat in hand to his European brethren and see what kind of support he can gin up. I don’t think he’s going to find much, as the Europeans clearly lack the hardware and troops to do much more than run their mouths about “fully supporting Ukraine”. I’d submit their purported backing of Ukraine has been little more than lio service from the start.
Of course the US wasn’t particularly serious about the Ukraine project either, even under joey shitpants. Sure, we pumped loads of money into the place (which the whores in the FEDGOV promptly laundered for their own financial gain) and sacrificed some military hardware, but the only ones who were ever really serious were the damned neocons, and that was only because they had a hard on to fuck with Russia stemming from their long running grudge against being deprived of their people controlling the place, when the USSR collapsed. Now the tide is going out and we shall find out who was swimming naked.
The Europeans aren’t his brethren, and ethnic Ukrainians aren’t his people. Ungrateful, entitled, coked-up, peter puffing little shit that he is. If only other ungrateful, entitled shits with their hands out while oozing disdain and disrespect got the same treatment.
Yes, I could have chosen a better term there, being he is a tribalist posing as the legitimate leader of a country that largely isn’t his people.
But since the Europeans (mostly) still seem to be supportive of Ukraine and this little turd ball, he can solicit them for the support he now desperately needs to keep the scam going. He loses in the end regardless, because Europe doesn’t have the resources to keep propping him up against Russia, and the US appears done with his BS at long last.
Fuck that little coke addled bone smoking tribe member! That cunt is the epitome of an sack of shit. I see no weakness by the Trump Presidency, those that see weakness are closet Commie filth!
^ This! ^
Crossed arms, belligerent, interrupting, “gibsme more” Ingrate POS.
The only puppet show here was Trump. This makes it obvious now that he never intended any deal with Ukraine. What a classic CYA ambush that pretend press conference was! Classic good cop / bad cop theatrics. It was obvious. Vance had no reason to be there in the first place, and it went to shit when he opened his mouth. Pay attention to what was said. All these accusations of Zelensky being disrespectful is pre-planned horseshit. He was as respectful as I would have been. The problem is that Trump only offered the ridiculous terms of the original deal because he needed to show that he was making an effort,…but didn’t actually want to. No sane leader would have entertained that fuckery for a second. But then Zelensky came back with a counter offer than was actually very good for all sides and entirely reasonble. So much so that Trump couldn’t be seen to dismiss it out of hand. So to provide himself political cover, he engineers this ambush, with Vance being the stinker. It was rotten dirty pool. Just when I was warming up to Trump, he pulls this shit and goes buck to sucking Putin’s cock.
I sure see a lot of this psychological projection about sucking Vlads cock. Very telling.
Yeah, besides which the US (primarily due to the neocons in the ranks of FEDGOV) are responsible for Ukraine blowing up to begin with. One needs to consider the history of our agreements with post Soviet Russia going back to be early 90’s (when the US gave false assurances that NATO would not be expanded Eastward, which of course was done anyway in direct contravention of what Russia was told would happen) and then 2014 and the coup that was run on Ukraine by the US FEDGOV.
And somehow we expected Russia to just keep letting us dangle our nuts on their face? Do come on now, the fact is that Russia is capable enough as a peer (or very nearly so) power that they would never accept that arrangement, and would eventually take concrete action to counteract it. The delusional fuckups in our state dept continued to mistakenly believe that Russia was still a pitiful backwater hellhole and an economic basket case, and so their complete lack of grasp on reality made them arrogant enough to believe they could give Russia a KO punch by using Ukraine as a proxy against them. For fucks sake, Victoria “fat bitch” Nuland admitted as much, and people still want to paint Putin and Russia as the aggressor, while totally overlooking the more than two decades of ongoing antagonism and provocation the US engaged in through diplomatic bullshit artistry that brought Putin to the point of going into Ukraine with the Russian military.
The number of purported Americans who are incapable of acknowledging the bad acts of their own country (and then finding another target onto which they can displace the blame) is completely out of hand. Our government sucks, and has done so much shady shit that there is zero justification to.defend it’s actions, and try to shovel this shit entirely onto Russia. People who think this way need to wake up and take some fucking responsibility for our own screw ups.
This is 100% correct. Nail, meet Hammer.
Very well said sir.
Trump needs to cut him right out and right off. And yeah… he’s probly going to need to die. His own people need to reckon with him.