Dat’s Rayciss!!

File this under You Gotta Be Kidding Me…

Many Republicans disapprove of NFL’s efforts to improve treatment of Black players, poll finds
A large number of Republicans say they have soured on the NFL and are expressing disapproval of its efforts to improve the treatment of Black players, a new Los Angeles Times/SurveyMonkey poll shows.

Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, 45% said they thought the NFL was doing “too much to show respect for its Black players.” Only 5% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents took that view.

Gotta love the name of that poll too.

I want to know who was stupid enough to even participate in such a loaded bullshit thing.

14 thoughts on “Dat’s Rayciss!!

  1. Since I don’t give a FLYING PHUQUE about anything professional sports,

    NO IDEA what yer talkin’ about….

    Was that too harsh?

  2. Never understood the entertainment value of watching monkeys chasing a ball up and down a field.

    • True, but there is more action than old white guys in cute pastel outfits waddling around a golf course.

        • You’re right. Poor comparison. Golf can hardly be called a sport. Just a fashion show for old white guys and lesbians.

  3. ‘who was stupid enough to even participate in such a loaded bullshit thing.’?

    The Main Scream Media does not need to do a poll to report the results.

  4. Actually this is good they are eating their own hopefully they will clean the plate like we had to when kids.

  5. The objective of the NFL (or any professional sports org) is to make money for it’s owner’s and shareholders. Absent government interference, it does this by generating a product which people are willing to pay money to watch. The breakdown/distribution of the various positions of the teams will generally fall into that category that produces the greatest opportunity for success.
    Enforcing equity rules will produce less entertaining play, reduce the audience and revenue, and ultimately hurt the very group the equity rules are designed to help.
    I would say GET WOKE, GO BROKE, but it isn’t always the choice of the organization to go down that path; the .gov is the threat behind a zeitgeist promoted by a noisy minority. Choosing simply not to engage won’t stop this and the miserable woke scolds of the left will cast their eyes on something else you enjoy….golf, perhaps. Imagine a mandatory tax tacked onto every greens fee to assist underprivileged inner city trans minority youth to learn golf, because raysiss,secsiss,homostaysiss,transiss! Pick your favorite pastime and apply same.
    There are too many people out there, with entitlement attitude, entitlement income and idle hands…..
    End screed.

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