11 thoughts on “Dating advice.

  1. Try being MARRIED to one!!!

    …I did take her matches away…

    She’s a HELL of a cook though…

  2. Forget her cooking, she’ll be the most physically energetic sex you’ve ever had.

    • that part is true. might be somewhat crazy though about weird stuff
      and cooking might be hit or MISS.
      if she is hot after hitting 30, she be hot until she dies or you do.
      best to end things as best as you can and remain friends (??)
      I still think fondly of her as I am told she does of me.
      and that was over 20 years ago now.
      as they say, if only ,

    • Damn… So THAT’S where those kids who look like a tanner version of me came from!!!

  3. Some of them are damn beautiful but they get pregnant if you drink out of the same coffee cup. Let this be a word of warning from someone who grew up in South Texas. Mind your manners around them.

  4. Does this all happen before or after the new moustache and the en-widening phase?…

  5. There was a copy of a post by some Latina going around several years ago. She was saying she would never date a white guy because he would freak out and call the cops any time she stabbed him.

  6. Pingback: Weekend Fun time | If You are Left you ain't Right

  7. Mikey beat me to it. My wife could get pregnant from washing my underwear or if a hug lasted longer than 3 seconds.
    She threw a toaster at my head during our first fight.
    OTOH, even at age 50 and after kids, she still has a figure like Dolly Parton in zero G. She called Salma Hayak unattractive. And comparatively? Yeah. Her mom, after burying 3 husbands, is still picking up old timers at social events in the old country.

    • Don’t ever send a pic of her and ask me to post it, you will get a whole lot of pervs and old geezers on here coming out of the wood work.

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