36 thoughts on “Darwin Goes 2-0

  1. Until law enforcement actually does enforcement, this crap will continue. I can’t believe someone hasn’t just mashed the throttle and taken out a whole batch of these idiots standing in the middle of the road.

    • There are so many of us with cockles that NEED warming too. I say it’s a public service they are providing.

  2. I’m actually looking forward to when they make the mistake of trying to prosecute someone for rolling through and the defendant wins based on the proof from previous riots that stopping for a mob is an inexcusable risk to life and limb – therefor barrelling through a roadblock is self-defense and protected.

  3. I thought about this stupid shit and got a couple of tear gas cans to keep in the truck. got them from the “zon” for like 15-20 bucks a pop.
    they work like a bug fogger does, you depress the tab and toss. tried one out,
    good size cloud of gas, not great, but should work well enough to clear out the dumb fucks. anyway, I keep 4 in the truck as there is a local college nearby in the town we go shopping in. anyway, I do hope the local kids are not as stupid as the ones in the large or big cities are. but you never know these days.
    for the most part though, it is like stepping back in time around here. say 20 years or more. not sure how long that will last though.
    but yeah, people are getting fed up with the stupid shit these days.
    and the climate clowns better not show up around here. it will not go well for them. most are already pissed at “things” like the price of gas and food.
    heating oil is close to 4 bucks a gallon now and even firewood is up in price these days. people are already bitching about that part. so blocking a working man from getting home or to work is not a good idea around here.

      • true. but remember that this MIGHT end up in court.
        so, would rather have used a riot control agent that the cops use or some bug spray meant to kill bug and not good for people ? the lawyer I talked to told me it would be a much easier to sell that I used a riot control agent than some bug spray meant to kill bugs.
        then again, I think flash bangs would do a much better job on those assholes myself,,,

  4. The guy with the trailer wasn’t driving fast enough. Put it in 4WD and swerve back and forth til you’re safe.

  5. This whole video is BS and was staged, go frame by frame. Dip shit with the mint green backpack, peels off to the right of the vehicle, she did not go under. She circles around the camera and jumps in well behind the trailer.

    If you are going to try to BS people don’t wear something as noticeable as a mint green backpack and come out from under the truck not bloody and squished.

  6. The traffic laws need to be changed everywhere to state that people WILLFULLY obstructing traffic have no rights to safety and ANYONE who runs them over is immune to both criminal and civil liability. Without such legal protection motorists who do what’s required to escape these dangerous mobs face both criminal charges and being sued civilly. We all know what needs to happen to these mobs but anyone actually doing what’s necessary faces prison time and bankruptcy.

    • That would ve awesome!

      Ever been to a city and have a one man Cotton-Pickin’ Parade in the crosswalk that lasts halfway through the light?

    • I agree with you but the thing is that the laws of physics, unlike the laws of man, are immutable. Placing yourself in the path of large fast moving metal objects will end badly. It doesn’t seem like you should have to tell people that but I will never forget our Middle School Principal once when there was a lot of construction going on around the school with cement trucks all over the place. In the morning announcements he said “I know you have the right of way in those crosswalks but if you get hit by cement truck you’re gonna lose!”. Great advice for a bunch of numbskull middle schoolers but that was back in another century and would probably hurt someones feewings today.

  7. Most people are law abiding…but they expect the cops to do something about those who aren’t law abiding.

    If the cops won’t, then the rules are changed.

    Then things get sporty.

  8. I’ve asked this before: How long before a vehicle mounted pepper gas and/or taser based defense system, perhaps combined with some sort of deafening alarm, is on the market? I would definitely consider some sort of driver activated crowd control device.

    Of course, rule #1 would be don’t drive down a street that’s being used for some sort of lawless demonstration, but these leftists typically try to occupy a choke point where it’s difficult or impossible to avoid and once you’re involved there is no turning around.

    It’s going to happen.

  9. Having commuted to work on a bicycle for a few years, I was always to the right of the white line as far as possible. Never rode on narrow winding roads. The only reason to be on the left side of the white line is if you can go the posted speed limit, so dude got what he deserved.

  10. IIRTC, the horse trailer incident took place in OK….. and the state legislature passed a law protecting motorists…

      • The process is the punishment. Even if found not guilty the time lost, the financial costs and the stress of a trial is horrific. Many an innocent person has been utterly destroyed by the process.

  11. That truck and trailer was my brethren in Oklahoma. We love fafo. Come on back anytime assholes.

  12. As an ex cop may I say
    Where the hell were the cops enforcing the law (obstructing
    traffic )
    In my day the patty wagon would be full

  13. I think the truck, trailer Incident happened here in Oklahoma but hey, she wss wearing a mask so she’s alright.

  14. Goddamn malignant narcissist assholes. This shit is what bump stocks were invented for. Fucking oxygen thieves.

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